WeWhft  and Pdces aien a e Appmoxriate; see page  . Cast on, Uniform l .
7A 35  3%  lbs., 2.75  12 point Lining Remington No. 7.  15A 80a  854 lbs., $6.O
These three lines are printed direct from type. The
same face is u.sed in the letter below, printed through
silk to give it the ribbon effect.
Justifiers sold in 1 and 5 lb. fonts, at 42 cents per lb.
Dean-Hcks Pt   in   F                        feb  i0  1906
Gent lemon:
Conceri ly, ou .\  U          r <   F   ors oi the 20th.
To make un excsv2          1-' os   c io  (0@moHj  '
larger the hole tb  I                  I o  d Ih  0(s chanoe
In tyjet %t(1 e    n ooL  tedeper
tetypeo fou, tiWT ,         b     ])dra      ]   ith lint
from papet  secec        rm ]k Fn 1   -scid Jq:d, and
dust and dis eoery y
Being doop ct there            I o::'r:nty For t Kof  of
the letter to wear    v            F    FdIos er: i{ beo'  will .
begin to show fdisItciy    a   LI    Iio.h TIe shallow
counter, as tie s 1 il 0 1,e Is      =d qu ickly s    Td easily;
and often this sor't of type is re cred useiess by the
filled counter vien the    c  91s.f  s I%tle  orfl.
High solder    cmpi v the  e l< c      otr. and these
are apt to °show on paper    s .,o  b  r socti 3e soon.
Deep-ciut typo >is nes y        oly     friso'' um
service When it itself isIe,o rhe prs, t. t is even
more esserti  whe  e e  Y'o   d steeo    are rnde f'ron
it.  In tlhese it dypi aeI t_     f i nd 6ives tie deep
shells ard mi,triccn .... re          1  V nye.s&
Deep-cut typ1    - and  t     or  pe -- is Pest for
every use,. Typoeo possse    1o  usity    ore 1mrtjnt
than tis. It eins lonIges~t wei A , goo  p ±rte, u{od
presswork.   It o<,v  at every tu    ; in  Jre we to
charge a conLIder o~l  e cUa  'ore  ha       e do ours
would still bo chesy,et  XV Aunh          oo,  :nost
durable retal kno    , wilth poin-i    , et poI.;ot and
point-bodyf, supporting face   tf' a  are irtistic and
handsomely useful.
[-epetfully yours,