Models No. 45 and No. 46
This is a machine designed for the purpose
of perforating at the same time as the printing
operation is performed, without, however, injur-
ing the rollers as is the case with the ordinary
steel perforating rule.
The driving head, Model 46, consists of a
metal block in which the plunger and a powerful
spring are mounted. The blades are made in
two and three inch sections which are assembled
in line and connected to the driving head, so that
any length perforation may be obtained; the
driving mechanism being so located in the form that it strikes the tympan beyond the margin of the stock
to be perforated. Dimensions of driving head, 70 x 92 points. Width of perforating blades, 18 points. This
plunger, when at rest, is above "type high, " and as the impression is made, its depression raises the per-
forating blade or blades to a position in which the cutters are slightly more than "type high," Creasing
or scoring blades may be quickly substituted for perforating blades and used in the same cases with the
same driving head. It may be successfully operated upon either platen or cylinder presses, but upon the
later it is designed to perforate in line or parallel with the cylinder only. It should be borne in mind, that
the character of the perforation is not simply an indentation, but a clean cut, equaling the best pin-hole
perforation which is otherwise only accomplished with the most expensive perforating machines at a sep-
arate operation. Not only is the entire cost of perforating eliminated but the expense and annoyance
caused by the delays invariably associated with a second operation are also overcome. Crcular.
Model No. 45 Perforating  Blades, 3-inch  sections ...................................................... $6.00
Model No. 45 Perforating  Blades, 2-inch  sections ........................................................  5.00
M odel N o. 46  D riving  H ead  ........................................................................ ... ..  4.00
Scoring Blades, (2-inch or 3-inch interchangeable with perforating blades) .........................   2.50
Made of Maple, carefully faced with high-priced closely
woven, firm and durable felt.
Proof Planers, 31 x 8 inches ................................ $0.60
Proof Planers, 3* x 8 inches, with leather top ................ 70
PLANERS                                     LINOTYPE PLANER
Made of the best selected rock maple.                 A necessity in every office having linotype
machines. Faced with corrugated rubber, it re-
mogves the "whiskers 11 from linotype slugs without
injury to the face of the type.
Maple, small, U x 6 inches .............. $0.25
Maple, large, 31 x 8 inches ...............30
Maple, leather top, 31 x 8 inches .........40
Midget Planers, 11 x 3 x lJ inches ........07  Linotype Planers, 31 x 6 inches ............... $0.50
These presses rank as the best of this class in the market, and have
never yet failed to give entire satisfaction. They are time savers, as many
jobs of card or other work can be put on this press and completed in less
time than would be consumed in making ready on ordinary job presses.
The size, 61 x 10 inches inside chase, embraces all ordinary commercial
work. Each press is furnished with one set of rollers, wrench and chase.
IL         61 x 10 inside chase ................................................. $35.00
With fountain     .............................................. 45,00