Model No. 27 for General Job Work
This is a type-high, au-
tomatic numbering ma-
chine for general job
work, designed to be
locked up in the form with
type or other matter or to
be used alone when the
number only is to be
printed. Its work is en-
tirely automatic, every
figure disc advancing in
consecutive order from 1
to 99,999, Only the best
Model No. 27           materials and the high-
est order of mechanical
N?      1234t5            skill are employed in its
construction. It may be   View Showing Parts Detached for Cleansing
taken apart in an instant
for cleansing-without removing any screws-and is as quickly re-assembled. Provision is made for skipping
any number necessary, as may be required for check and other work which runs several forms to the page.
All parts are absolutely interchangeable. The figures are engraved upon steel wheels and are practically in-
destructible. Only the size and style of figures shown in the illustration are carried in stock; others are made
to order. Size of standard machine:-lixi inches. Special small sizes made to order. Prices on application.
Model No. 28 is the same in every respect as Model No. 27, except that it is made with six instead of five
wheels. Capacity 1 to 999,999. Size, lixf inches.
M odel  N o. 27  ....................................... ......................... ....... ...... ......... $14.00
M odel  N o.  28  ................. ............................ ...............................................  18.00
Model No. 29 for Cash Sale Books
Model No. 29 shown in the accompanying cut is of the same construction as
Model No. 27, but designed to number consecutively from 1 to 50 or 1 to 100 and repeat
automatically. Same machine made to number backward if desired. The simplest
and most durable machine for this purpose ever produced. Size: 2 wheels, lxJ inches; 3
wheels, lix inches. Made with same style figures as Model No. 27 without extra charge.
Model No. 29, 2 wheels ................................................ 10.00
Model No. 29, 3 wheels..    .............................................. 14.00
Model No. 31 for Numbering Pawn Tickets, Baggage Checks, Cotton Tags, Etc.  N   ?  2    9
An Automatic Machine made with any size figures from one quarter inch to one inch in height. The
design and construction is the same as Model No. 27. These machines are more than type-high, but are
used with entire success on ordinary printing presses by mortising the bed or re-adjusting the platen.
Model No. 31 (5 wheels, I inch figures)........ .............................................45.00
Model No. 31 (6 wheels, A inch figures)........................................................00
Model No. 32 for Printing Waiter Numbers on Restaurant Checks, Etc.
A type-high non-automatic machine, made with steel figures, which are set by hand,
without unlocking the form. It is designed to take the place of type which must be fre-12345
quently changed in the form. It effects a great saving of time, and prevents the destruction of type by
being constantly removed with tweezers, Size 1 x 18 inch. Price of Model No. 32, each .............. $10.00
Model No. 33 for Dating Church Collection Envelopes, Transfer Tickets, Etc.
A type-high dating machine designed to be locked in a form. Steel wheels are en- ill ')'  ianl
graved with dates for twenty years, and set by hand as required, without unlocking I UU  22f 1905
the form.  Size 11 x f8 inch.  Price of Model No. 33, each ............................................. $10.00
Model No. 41 for Numbering Sales Books, Tags, Etc.
An Automatic Type-high Numbering Machine made with figures of the
greatest height that can be operated with type or without special adjustment of
the press. In general design and construction it is the same as Model No. 27.
It is made with six wheels and to number either forward or backward. Also,
to repeat the number fifty times and advance one unit automatically.
Model No. 40 is the same in design and construction as Model No. 41 but
made with five wheels.
Model No. 40, 5 wheels................................................. $27.50
123456              Model No. 41,6 wheels ......................................... 30.00
Extra Interchangeable Parts of Bates Numbering Machines
Letter Wheels (9 letters) each   ................................................................... $2.50
Skipping Unit Wheels (2 to 9) each.............................................               2.60
Skipp ng  U it  W eels (2  t   9)  ach   .. .. .... .... ................  ..........:: ::: ....
Letter Slides, with one letter, each ..........................................................."..". "...50