Golden Steel Gauge Pin                Original Steel Gauge Pin                 Spring-Tongue Gauge Pin
Screw Adjusting Gauge Pin       Flexible Side Gauge Pin  Eccentric Stud Gauge  Perfect Register Gauge
Iron Gauge Pin Drawer
Extension Feed Guides                                                     Cylinder Side Guide Pin
Golden Steel Gauge Pin, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, per dozen .................................................. $0.40
Original Steel Gauge Pin, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, per dozen  ...................................................... .60
No. 1, 12-point high; 2, 15-point; 3,18-point; each with a At inch lip; 4, 12-point, no lip; 5, 15-point, J inch lip; 6,
12-point. Measures over all.
Spring-Tongue Gauge Pin, per dozen, with 12 extra tongues ............................................ 1.20
Spring-Tongue Gauge Pin, per set of three, with 3 extra tongues ......     ...........................40
T ongues, per  dozen  ......................................... ................... ......................... .25
Screw Adjusting Gauge Pin, per set of three, with extra tongues ...................................... 1.00
Flexible  Side  Gauge  Pin, per  dozen  ........................... .................................. ....... .60
Perfect Register Gauge, per set of three, with extra tongues .......................................... 1.25
Eccentric  Stud  Gauge, per  set of three  .................................................................. .75
Extension Feed Guide, per pair, with short guide and tongues .........................     ........... 1,00
Cylinder  Side  G uide  Pin, each  ............ ............................................................ .50
Radiating Sheet Supporters, complete sets, either length .............................................. 3.00
Lengths, 3       34      4      41      5       51      6 inches
For a   7xll    8x12    9xIS   I0xl5   llxl7  12x18   13xl9press
Iron  Gauge  Pin  Drawer, size, 24x3  inches, each  ....................................................... .25
Pressmen have always been given to the use of all sorts of
cumbersome devices in cardboard, string, rubber, or wire, for
temporary relief when common grippers fail. Instant relief can
be had in nearly every case by the use of Auxiliary Grippers.
They are held firmly to gripper by a strong steel spring having
three-eighths-inch throw, and can be placed instantly at any
point on gripper. Admits of the use of left-hand gauge pin in all
jobs. With small forms right-hand gripper can be thrown to right out of feeder's way. If your form
has narrow margins the gripper-attachment tongues can be adjusted between lines or at head or foot of
sheet. By a slight bend of tongues they will hang to sheet after side grippers let go. All parts are accu-
rately made of the best material, and they are acknowledged by pressmen to be the only practical gripper
made. They do not interfere with either wood reglet or metal furniture.
Price  per  pair, sizes  1, 1, 1,  t,1, 1  inch  ................................................................... $0.50
Be sure and state size wanted.
1  Q uart,  each  ............................................................................................... $0.90
2  Q uart,  each  ......................... ......... ..........................................................  1.20