1 6-Col. Quarto Tapeless Reliance Babcock Cylin-
der Press with blanket, steam and overhead
fix tu res ------ .-- .-----11---------- ................... II00  00
I 10xI5 Chandler & Price or Challenge Gordon.-- 250 00
I Set side steam  fixtures ............ ........   10 00
1 2-Horse Power Bates & Edmonds Gas or
Gasoline Engine                            105 00
1 25-inch Advance or Reliance Paper Cutter..... 110 00
I Pair 6-Column Quarto Electric-Welded Silver
G loss  Steel Chases -----..---- .- --.-.. ................. 17  40
1 Set straight Iron side and foot sticks ........  5 30
1 Imposing Stone, 24x36      ....             6 00
I Imposing Stone, 26x76..                     1 -----  13 75
6 Single Column Brass Galleys           6---. 15 00
2 Double Column  Brass Galleys  .....................
4 6x2-inch Screw Composing Sticks.....................  3 00
1 10-ich Buckeye or Grover Composing Stick -- 1 20
1 12-inch Buckeye or Grover Composing Stick...  1 40
1 10x16 All-Brass Galley      ..    ....     3 25
2 News Stands -----...                        7 50
1 Double Stand for 24 full size cases,,       6 00
10  P air  C ases ................. ... ..... .... ......... 16  00
27 Job and Triple Cases ----                  24 30
Mallet, Planer and Proof Planer-..................  1 20
3 dot. Genuine Hempel Quoins and 2 Keys.-...  8 50
20 6-point Column Rules, 19 inches.,         10 60
4 6-point Head Rules, 13$ inches.........     1 44
1 4-point Head Rule, 131 inches .....           24
20 4-point Cross Rules, 13 ems -....  ......   1 00
100 2-point Advertising Rules, 13 ems --- .... ...   2 50
15 4-point Cross Rules, 264 ems ..............  1 20
4 0   2 -p o in t  D a s h   R u le s ,  13   e m s   ---- .. . . . .. . . . 3   0 0
50 Pounds 2 point Leads, 13 ems --................ 10 00
65 Pounds 6-point Slugs; 40 Pounds cut 13 ems, 25
Pounds cut 261 ems                        13 00
10 Pounds 2-point Leads, long ...   .......  1 60
24 18-point Metal Foot Slugs -......          1 20
25 Pounds 2-point L. S. Leads         ......   5 00
25 Pounds 6-point L. S. Slugs                  5 00
I Font Wood Furniture and Case, No. 12       10 00
2 Pounds 2-point L. S. Rule, Single............  3 20
2 Pounds 2-point L. S. Rule, Dotted-..................  3 20
3 Pounds 6-point L. S. Rule, Double-.................  4 20
1 Lead and Slug Caseand 2 Harris Rule Cases   3 50
1 Electrotyped Heading, 72 pt. -  -.......    2 25
1 6-inch Proof Roller, complete cast.....--.  1 85
50 Pounds 6-point Roman or Old Style     ---- 36 90
250 Pounds 8-point Roman or Old Style     -   149 50
50 Pounds 10-point Roman or Old Style..       29 00
25  Pounds 12-point Roman  or Old  Style  . .........  13 20
30 Fonts of Job and Display Type, about .............-125 00
Spaces and Quads for Display Type, about .--- 15 00
Borders and  Ornaments, about  ...............  12 00
I Dozen Spring Tongue Gauge Pins              1 20
1 Benzine Can, quart    ....... ......        1 00
50 Yards Reglet  100...........              10
1 Rouse Lead and Rule Cutter No. 1.  .        6 00
Assortment of Job Ink, about ...8...       00
28 Pounds Superior News Ink  ..................  3 92
1 Font Brass and Copper Spaces (10 oz.)       1 00
$2197 50
1 Army Press, 16x224 inches ........6.........    85 00
1 SIngle Column Brass Galley ...........      250
2 W ood  Galleys, 5x15  ....... ..... ....     60
2 6-inch Screw Composing Sticks        ........  1 50
3  p a ir s  C a se s  .... ... . .. ... .. .. ... ..... .. ... .. .. 4  80
8 Job and Triple Cases.......... .    ....   7 20
Mallet and Planer small ------                50
10 Pounds Superior News Ink -                  2 00
12 6-point Column Rules, 21I inches            6 96
3 6-point Head Rules, 151 inches              1 23
25 2-point Advertising Rules, 13 eos.            63
10 2-point Dash Rules, 13 ems ........ ...........  75
10  4-point Dash  Rules, 13  em s .......................  1 00
10 4-point Cross Rules, 13 ems ......... .. ........  50
15 Pounds 2-point Leads, 13 ems ..... .....    3 00
10 Pounds 6-point Slugs, 13 ems ----- .....    2 00
100 Pounds 10-point Roman or Old Style.....    53 50
50 Pounds 8-point Roman or Old Style  -....   32 85
10  Fonts Display  Type, about ..............................  35  00
I Electrotyped Heading, three words, 72 pt ......  2 25
Spaces and Quads for Display Type, about.....  4 00
$247 77

1 6-Column Quarto, Ideal Band Cylinder Press, $225 00
1 I0xl5 Chandler & Price or Challenge Gordon
P r e s s  ........ .......................................................- 2 50  00
1 22-Inch Advance or Reliance Paper Cutter     90 00
I Pair, 6-Column Quarto, Electric Welded,Silver
Gloss Steel Chases ----------..-..................... . 17  40
1 Set straight iron side and foot sticks .........  5 30
i Im posing  Stone, 26x76 -----.......................   13  75
1 Imposing Stone, 24x36 ---............        16 00
4 Single Column Brass Galleys   1.    .        0 00
2 Double Column Brass Galleys .------------- ...  600
4 6x2j-inch Screw Composing Sticks               11------...  3 00
1 10-inch Buckeye or Grover Composing Stick.--   120
1 12-inch Buckeye or Grover Composing Stick --   1 40
I 10x16 All-Brass Galley       ...........    3 25
2 News Stands                        --------------  7 50
1 Job Stand, for 24 full-size cases....  ....    6 00
7  P air  Cases................. ........ .. ..... ...  11  20
27 Job and Triple Cases....  ... ...   .......   24 30
Mallet and  Planer.............. .....           60
3 doz. No. I Genuine Hempel Quoins and 2 Keys-   8 50
20 6-point Column Rules, 191 inches  1................ I0 60
4 6-point Head  Rules, 131 inches......................  1 44
1 4-point Head  Rule, 13- inches..... . ...........  24
25 4-point Cross Rules, 13 ems ---------          1 25
15 4-point Cross Rules, 26j ems                  1 20
75 2-point Advertising Rules, 13 ems..-................  1 88
40  2-point Dash  Rules, 13 em s ..00.............. .............  3 0
25 4-point Dash  Rules, 13 ems ------ ........ .......   2 50
50 Pounds 2-point Leads, 13 ems.................... ...  10 00
25  Pounds 2-point L. S. Leads .................. .......- 5  00
40 Pounds 6-point Slugs, cut to column .................- 8 00
25 Pounds 6-point L. S. Slugs .....................  5 00
24 18-point Foot Slugs ----- ........             1 20
1 Font Wood Furniture and Case, No. 12 ...     10 00
2 Pounds 2-point L. S. Rule, Single -..............  3 20
2 Pounds 2-point L. S. Rule, Dotted....................  3 20
3 Pounds 6-point L. S- Rule, Double ...............  4 20
1  Lead  and  Slug  Case........... .......... ..........  1  00
1  H arris  Rule  Case -........... ...... ..................  1  25
1 Font Brass and Copper Spaces (10 oz.) --------------  1 00
1 Electrotyped Heading three words, 72 pt.      2 25
1 6-inch Proof Roller, complete and cast         1 85
Assortment of Job Ink. about....................  7 50
10  P ounds  N ew s  Ink  .......................... ................  2  00
50 Pounds 6-point Roman or Old Style-.................  36 90
250 Pounds 8-point Roman or Old Style............ 149 50
50 Pounds 10-point Roman or Old Style     ....... 29 00
30 Fonts Job and Display Type, about .................-110 00
Spaces and Quads for Job and Display Type,
a b ou t  -.. --.. -----------.. ----.... ........ .... ......   12  00
Borders and Ornaments, about................  10 00
1 dozen Spring Tongue Gauge Pins -............   1 20
0  Y ards  R eglet  ....... ......................   1  00
10 Pounds 2-point Leads, long ---------- .... . .... 1 60
1 Barnhart Bros. & Spindler Lead Cutter......---  2 00
$1132 36
I 6-column Army Press, l4jx20j inches.....      60 00
1 Single Column Brass Galley -----       .       250
2  W ood  Galleys  5x15 ...-. --...... ..... ..... ...  60
2 6-inch Screw Composing Sticks.    ...........-  150
3  p air  C ases....... ........... ..... ........... ..........  4  80
6 Job and Triple Cases... ...    .... .. ..... .  5  40
Mallet and  Planer, small ----...... ...........  50
5  Pounds NewsInk                                100-------------....... ... -   1 0
10 6-point Column Rules, 191 inches ..... ..  -  5 30
2 6-point Head Rules, 131  inches ...... ...............  72
25 2-point Advertising Rules, 13 ems  -.........   63
10 2-point Dash  Rules, 13 ems  7.......... ........... 5
10 4-point Dash Rules, 13 ems .....1..........  00
10  4-point Cross Rules, 13 em s  -----................... . 50
15 Pounds 2-point Leads, cut to column ..............  300
15 Pounds 6-point Slugs, cut to column-.............  3 00
75 Pounds 10-point Roman or Old Style ---..........  43 50
50 Pounds 8-point Roman or Old Style --------...  32 85
8  Fonts Display  Type, about................................  30 00
Spaces and Quads for Display Type, about...-   3 50
1 Electrotyped Heading, three words, 72 pt. -    2 25
$203 30