board a sheet which has been and will be exposed as its predecessors. It falls naturally and
lightly by its own weight and is accurately jogged. Even when covered by succeeding sheet
it is done so delicately that a stratum of air remains for some time to still further the drying
process. If the paper be of fair size, a dozen sheets or more may hold air between them for a
long time. qIn a moment's time the delivery carriage can be disconnected and moved for-
ward, telescoping upon itself, to give access to the form and rollers at the front of the cylinder.
Even in this position the press can be moved or run without disturbance or interference. The
delivery table is supplied with the best jogger in use; and when necessary on very fine work
we have a patented device for slip-sheeting that is labor saving and unknown on other machines.
Our new patented automatic tape tightener guards against shrink or stretch of tspes under atmos-
pheric changes, prevents breakage, and maintains an even tension at all times. An even greater
improvement are our patented sheet delivery fingers. No matter how buckled or unevenly
bent the edge of a sheet may be they always prevent it from catching as it leaves the cylinder,
while they make easy the delivery of the very narrowest gripper hold possible to securely
take. Optimus presses are the only ones built without the old and noisy tumbler gripper
motion, and the only ones dispensing with the objectionable shoo flies. Our patented mechan-
ism operates quietly and registers perfectly. If the machine is started while grippers are
turned back no damage can result. Altogether the perfection of this delivery works a saving
of many dollars a year, not only by expediting work, but in the greatly lessened spoilage of
printed sheets. The out of date and detrimental fly forms no part of it.
Register is not entirely a matter of grippers, guides and tongues. It lies'quite as intimately
in the driving motion; and other movements in the press may affect it seriously. Permanent
register can only he secured by building it into the press from the base up. The Optimus has
register built in; it is incorporated as a part of every movement. It is the only way to secure and
keep it. It is not patched on by some sort of a make-shift used to counteract structural faults,
and which at the best is unreliable, qThere has not been an Optimus out of register between
bed and cylinder in ten years, or since the adoption of our bed motion and the making of the
improvements the new motion necessitated. A pressman may have flattened a gripper, mis-
placed the cam, got the tongues out of line, or done some other thing to interfere with register
at the guides, all of which is easily corrected; but the assuring fact remains that the press
registers perfectly on the tympan all the time. No other press is so closely coupled with as
few parts between bed and cylinder. There is little opportunity for wear, and the consequent
lost motion due to it. Register is thus protected and guarded, and lasts with certainty. A
large number of Optimus presses are running exclusively on three and four-color process
work in many places devoted to work of this character, and have been for years. In fact the
first three-color work ever done on a two-revolution was done on an Optimus press, and then
was first demonstrated the usefulness of this style of machine for a purpose for which it
had been thought previously only stop-cylinder presses were adequate.
When we described the Optimus bed motion we gave the reason why speed was developed
in the highest degree in this press. The fastest press must always be the simplest, the one
of fewest parts and least motions. It is just this that makes an Optimus superior in speed to
any other of like size. qThe mere fact that a press can make impressions rapidly does not
constitute it a fast press. This is illustrated in the case of a printer who bought a certain
machine because of its alleged speed, and found after some months' use that he must run fine
work so slowly as to leave no profit; nor can he run cheap work fast and get good cheap work
because, while his press will make impressions with fair speed, it is equipped with a slow
distribution. To deserve the distinction of being fast a press must be speedy not only when
running but when standing still, and this last speed is as important as the other and pays as
large a profit. In giving to the Optimus the ability to furnish impressions at high speed we
have calculated every part and action to support it, and thus aim to make rapidity thoroughly
effective no matter what the character of the work. We have not made it fast in one thing
only, but fast in all, a well-balanced machine. It is the only way in which a truly fast press
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