may be visited in the same part of the cemetery of
Memphis. This excursion from Cairo may be made
comfortably in a carriage, without fatigue or incon-
venience. The Boolak Museum of Cairo, the streets
of the native city, the mosques and citadel, the
bazaars for the sale of Egyptian and Turkish work
in gold and silver, sweetmeats, embroidery, rugs and
other wares, will easily provide entertainment for a
fortnight in Cairo, and the perfection of the climate,
except in the height of summer, justifies a leisurely
stay at this Egyptian capital. Sufficient variety of
choice is offered to the traveler who wishes to go up
the Nile, to gratify almost any demand. If there be
sufficient time at disposal, the best way to see the
wonders of Egypt is to take a sailing boat or daha-
beeah. The voyage to the second cataract occupies
about three months, is very pleasant, very healthful,
and, considering what one gets out of it, very cheap.
Tourist steamers offer an alternative method by
which one may visit the Nile as far as Assuan and
back, including the first cataract, in twenty days.
Another plan is to go by rail as far as Siout, where
the railway terminates, about two hundred and fifty
miles above Cairo, and thence by the postal steamers,
which run twice a week and permit a visit to some
of the principal objects of interest. The tourist
steamer journey up the Nile provides for suffiient
time with donkeys and guides to visit each of the
points of interest reached on the journey. Among
these are the site of ancient Memphis, with some
neighboring pyramids; Maghagga, with its sugar
Set in 12-p oint Paragon.
Opened with onepoint leads