No. 22 Cabinet Grand
No. 20 contains a total of 47 California Job Cases, arranged in two tiers, as follows: 7 full size Cases 1 inch deep;
3 two-third size Cases 1 inch deep; 14 full size Cases 1 inches deep; 17 two-third size Cases 11 inches
deep; 3 full size Cases 1J inches deep; 3 two-third size Cases 1J inches deep, also ten Sort Drawers be-
tween the two tiers of Cases. The top equipment comprises two pair No. 2 Three-Case Hamilton
Patent Tilting Brackets, with Galley Boards, one pair of News Cases, one Blank Case, one Thirty-inch
Space and Quad Case, one No. 2 Adjustable Lead and Slug Case, one No. 8 Bettis Lead and Slug Case.
Height, 43 inches; width, 71 inches; depth, 27 inches. Weight crated for shipment, 700 pounds. Price,
com p lete  ........................................................................................ ........................ ................................ $100.00
No. 21 contains a total of 47 California Job Cases, arranged in two tiers, as follows: 7 -full size Cases I inch
deep; 3 two-third size Cases 1 inch deep; 14 full size Cases If inches deep; 17 two-third size Cases IJ
inches deep; 3 full size Cases 1 inches deep; 3 two-third size Cases 1 inches deep, also 16 Galley
Shelves, enclosed by door, opening from the news side of the Cabinet. The top equipment comprises
two pairs of No. 2 Three-Case Hamilton Patent Tilting Brackets, with Galley Boards, one pair of news
Cases, one Blank Case, one thirty-inch Space and Quad Case, one No. 2 Adjustable Lead and Slug
Case, one No. 8 Bettis Lead and Slug Case. Height, 43 inches; width, 71 inches; depth, 27 inches.
W eight, crated  for  shipment, 700 pounds.  Price, complete................................................................... 100.00
No. 22 contains a total of 70 California Job Cases, arranged in three tiers, as follows: 7 full size Cases 1 inch
deep; 3 three-quarter size Cases I inch deep; 14 full size Cases I inches deep; 17 three-quarter size
Cases, 1# inches deep; 3 full size Cases 1 inches deep; 3 three-quarter size Cases I inches deep; 3 two-
third size Cases I inch deep; 17 two-third size Cases 11 inches deep; 3 two-third size Cases 11 inches
deep, also 10 Sort Drawers between the two tiers of Cases and 16 Galley Shelves, enclosed by door,
opening from the news side of the Cabinet. The top equipment comprises three pairs of No. 2 Three-
Case Hamilton Patent Tilting Brackets, with Galley Boards, three pairs of News Cases, one Blank
Case, one Thirty-inch Space and Quad Case, one No. 8 Bettis Lead and Slug Case. Height, 43inches;
width, 110i inches; depth, 27 inches. Weight, crated for shipment, 1,200 pounds. Price, complete.  150.00
We offer here a proper receptable for high-
priced papers and fancy cardboard stock. Such
material quickly becomes soiled and unfit for high
grade work if exposed to the air and dust. These
Cabinets are practically dust proof and the colors
will not fade or the quality of the paper deterio-
rate when stock is stored in them.
No. 1 contains 12 drawers, eight of which
are 2 inches deep and four 41 inches deep. Each
drawer will take 221 x 28 inch stock. Occupies
floor space 28ix341 inches. Height, 48 inches.
Weight, crated, 340 pounds.
No. 1, Paper and Card Stock Cabinet ...... $37.00
No. 2 contains 12 drawers; eight of which
are 2 inches deep and four 41 inches deep. Each
drawer will take 28x44 inch stock. Occupies
floor space 341 x 490 inches. Height, 48 inches.
Weight, crated, 400 pounds.
No. 2, Paper and Card Stock Cabinet ...... $48.00