Weights and Prices given arn Appoxaimate; seepage 2. Cast on UnlforrnLine,
7 A 35 a  3X6 lbs., $2.75  12 Point Lining Caligraph No. 2.  17 A 83 a  8 1 lbs,, $6.0
The following letter is set in 12 point Lining
Caligraph No. 2. and printed direct from type.
Jusetifiers sold in I antd 5 lb. fon1ts, at 42 cents per lb.
January 2, 1906
Barnhart Bros. & Spindler
Chicago, Ills.
I have been a customer of your house for fifteen
years: I have traded with you in preference to all
others.  Do you know why? Well I'll satisfy your
I have discovered that you fill orders, not
only with the best type and material and machinery,
but that you fill them with such promptness and care
that an error or a delay is something almost unheard
of; certainly it is something that I have almost never
experienced in my dealings with you.
Last Tuesday I had a hurry order which came in
at 3 p. n. It must be delivered to the customer the
next evening; upon starting the work I found to my
dismay that I was unable to do the work because I
lacked two fonts of type, and some special brass rule.
I called you up told you ofmy dilemma and at
o clock the next morning you landed the material in
my office    I nowhae a happy customer and his
sovereigns are in my breeches pockets.  It was your
usual way.
I have had printing offices in various parts of
the country and have had occasion to order from
various branches of your house.  In every case I have
found the branches like the main house prompt, exact
and intelligent. And that's why I trade with you.
Gratefully yours,

ER'S          510             UPO