Index to Advertisers

Becker John C Co (Milwaukee)
* .  .. left top lines and  34
Biggs Ray & Co.............     39
Bollogh & Williams ..........
..right bottom  lines and  39
Breecher Battery Service Sta-
tion  .....................  20
Brown  B  C  ..................
. left bottom lines and   22
Buckley John F    ............ 31
Butler Woodwork Co ......... 39
Carroll College ..............   2
Daubner G Holmes..- ....        31
Enterprise Mercantile Co ..... 23
Farmers State Bank .......... 21
Friz  Perry  L  ................
........... back cover and  37
Gerken George E & Son ......
...... right side lines and  37
Goerke &   Goerke ............
........ right top lines and  19
Goff's Restaurant ............
.... right bottom lines and  38
Gorder  C  A  ..................
........ left top lines and  28
Grand View Health Resort...
...."right bottom lines and  22
Hannon John J ..............
....... left top lines and  35
Hardy-Ryan Abstract Co .....
.         front cover and  37
Hemlock & Hemlock ........
........... back cover and  18
Hoeveler Drug Co ...........
.......... front cover and  23
Holt & Coombs .............. 31
Hotel Waukesha ..............
......... left top lines and  29
Interstate Appliance Corpora-
tion ....... back cover and  24
Jacobson & Malone ........... 31
Johnson & Rhodes .......... 33
Kline Daniel..back cover and    36
Kramer Wm A Co.........
.    * right side lines and  36
Lerch  Peter  J  ...............
. left bottom lines and   37
Lockney & Lowry ............
.... right bottom lines- and  32
McCoy-Nolan Supply Co (Mil-
waukee)   ................
.... right bottom lines and  26
Merten Bros ................ 36
Morey Rtobert G .............
.**-.. front cover and      29
Moses  D  H  ...................  29
National Exchange Bank .....
.......... front cover and  21

Northwestern Mutual Life In-
surance  Co  ..............
.......... front cover and 29
O'Brien Warren S ............ 35
O'Neil Oil & Paint Co ........
........ left side lines and 35
Palmetier & Abel Lumber Co..
........ right top lines and 33
Perkins Hardware Co ........ 28
Randle J K & Son ............
...... right top lines and 27
Sawyer Carl H Agency ......
...... right top lines and  29
Sherin W R Co (Milwaukee)..
.... right bottom lines and 19
Simon Motor Sales Co....
............ backbone and  20
Sinsel  Robert  F ..............
...... right side -lines and 25
Spring City Auto Co .........
........ left top lines and  20
Spring City Laundry & Clean-
ing  Co  ...................
...... stencil edges, 22 and 30
Spring City Pattern Works....
..... left bottom lines and 35
Steinert A L & Son .......... 38
Thomas & Salen ............. 32
Tichenor Vernon H .......... 32
Tolg Charles F & Son ........
.left top lines and 38
Trakel's Drug Store ..........
........ left top lines and  23
Tullar, Dean & Young....... 32
Walrabenstein E L ..........
...... right side lines and 39
Walsh Edmund D ............
.left top lines and       33
Waukesha Asbestos Co .......
.right top lines and 38
Waukesha Auto Sales Co .....
...... right side lines and 20
Waukesha Gas & Electric Co.. 27
Waukesha Moor Bath Co ......
.... right bottom lines and- 22
Waukesha National Bank .....
.... left bottom  lines and  21
Waukesha Palace Laundry Co
.back cover, 22 and 30
Wilbur Lumber Co ...........
...... left bottom lines and 33
Williams - Counsell Hardware
Co ..... right top lines and  28
Wilson's   Detective  Agency
(Milwaukee)  ............
........... 23 and opposite 327
Yundt Michael Co ............ 25