The only Chinese drill unit in America, headed by Nelson B. Tan, U. of
W. 18, the only Chinese student in the United States holding a commission
in the R. 0. T. C. Twice a week this unusual unit devotes an evening to
military drill and the study of preparedness measures, with striking results.
By rank from left to right: Captain Nelson B. Tan, *18, Canton, command-
ing; J. Wong, 21, Canton; C. J. Waung, 20, Soochow; M. H. Chow, 19,
Ningpo; W. P. Liang, 18; Canton; K S. Chu, '19, Ningpo; H. H. Hsieh, 19
L C iLI\MBEI3RL.O cInter nrst
conceived the idea of a fat test for
milk. He came to Dean W. A.
Henry (on the left) of the Wisconsin
1:xperiment Station for help in perfecting
the idea. Both turned to Dr. Babcock,
the scientist, to work out the details in a
practical way. Dr. Stephen Moulton
Babcock will live forever as one of the
greatest benefactors the world has ever