JackI Oh. Jack Iave you got that co  nitIked \ct
I onl% found three eggs this morning, and one of then
sang to mc ahen I picked It up, s I don't think wa  I
have enough custard to go around  No, g r., th
foregoing snatch of conversation is not from some rur 1
  comeds  Ai contraire, it was heard hv the milkmn
the other morning as he drove hy the Sigma Pht
""countr         hiomec on  hits wray  to the cit\  with  hi, load  1
milk. Ihe gentlemen farniers as the brethren aI
known in Madison, raise all their on provender. Jf
all their own work, and all subscrie to the Counti
Gentleman Their organization sos originally a sociafl
fraternits, but their environment has graduall worlkcd
a change and they hae becoime in a true sense good
sturdy comen of thesoil    You ill note the clisteinct
rural atmisphere wshich surrounds their agricultural          Ihe ,gm ...i Pl, tonteide
)ivtuisr GWl ot)LYN-
I expected, the Thetas asked me to
i ./e as soon as they found out I could bowl
ind was engaged to a Russian socialist from
\cw  York. Niy future in the University is
now assured, for I'll be able to get on the Lit
sttff, and cversthin,  The girls are the sweet
st bunch and so influential in school affairs.
.,7    it                                       \nd just think' T-here is af girl in the house
hkho is a real literary genius. and has a
tanding order from Snappy Stories for one
ttor   teach issue.  I know her real well al-
reads. She can act, too. But there, I sup-
pose 1 ought not boast about i  m  sisters, as
S\we call each other, for it is quite the thing
here to just take it for granted that if one is
a heta one is all right.
Give my regards to \our folks.
Your Theta friend,
I am so happy. I have been rushed by a sorority, the Alpha Phis, and thes
have asked me to join. The girls are all so feminine and lady-like and re
fined, and iou know how I detest masculine appearinggirls. Their partr i
altnost like I lcaien with the girls draped  lph-like around the big harp tit
hase, and they pose so nicely that one doesn't mind their not being able to
play it. The girls are \er\ patriotic. too, and when the\ found out that one
of them hdi once gone with if felli  who is no in the army. they got a great
big service flag and hung it in their wkindow. They are awfulls strong at
sorthwestern. too, whateser that means. The first time I was over I felt
terrtihl self-conscious about m  lutms% shoes and I xished I had put on that
lace dress of minc. One () the girls.N aric Hilcoxon, has the cutest hat with
a real imported chicken-feathcr in it  The girls tell me that they practicall%
run the t niversitv and thet are out for evervthing that goes on. so as to be sure to have some-
hods connected with it.                                    Sincerely,
Pacge 504
