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University Extension War Service
1\i\] Amrica s enty into the Greit World War the tniersit\ Extension Division has
renderd a great variety of serviccs-this in spite of the fact that one-third of the admin-
istrative and instructional force has been given up through leave or resignation within
this period on account of the war emergency, and that in some of the district branch offices the
entire personnel has changed.
Very early in this period scveral large training classes in home nursing and social service were
conducted in Milwaukec. In the latter half of 117-18. Home Scrvice Institutes designed to
train volunteers in each community to organize and administer local relif and give free aid and
counscl to the dependents ofsoldiers families were undertaken for twenty-six towns of Wisconsin.
It organized the junior labor and boy power of the stateI it developed a plan for utilizing garb-
age waste for pork and fat production and issued a bulletin thereon: it developed lectures and
popular leaflets for fuel conservation as related both to industrial and domestic use: it circulated
patriotic slide and film service throughout the state: it circulated innumerable well-selected
package libraries on war subjects and encouraged study and forum instruction through the en-
couragement of competitive triangular discussion leagues, it adjusted its platform inspiration
and instruction work in commencement speaking, chautauqua programs, lecture and lyceum
courses to the ends of patriotic education, and conducted for the State Council of Defense a
State Patriotic Speakers Bureau: it gave consecutive. systematic instruction in French and many
other subjects by class and by mail to enlisted men, and called a state business men's congress
for the discussion of industrial and commercial questions made acute by the war emergency. It
has put its resources in texts and materials at the disposal of the government for great federal
problems like the re-education of maimed men, and its institutional organization at the service
of the nation's call.

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