(7l. ti          trant National Bank
of fflaison,1 Wicons5in
Capital and Surplus   -  -  -   - $380,000.00
Undivided Profits -   -  -  -   -   60,000.00
Resources over -   -  -  -  -   - 3,500,000.00
Interest paid on Savings Accounts and Time Certificates of Deposit.
Transacts a general banking business. Issues Travelers' Cheques and
Letters of Credit payable throughout the world.
Safe Deposit Boxesfor
rent at reasonable rates
A. E. Proudfit. Pres.                      M. E. Fuller, Vice-Pres.
Frank G. Brown. Vice-Pres.  M. C. C'arke, Cashier  M. H. Sater, Asst. Cashier
yr               .
IhF 1r\S 4 .n

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