OR ARTI I RR. KERWIN,        S. A., retired was detailed b the War Department
SProfessor of \iNtar% Science and T Lctics at the I, niersity of \\Wiconsin in Septem-
D  her, 1017. Prt-cious to this time Major Kerw\in pursuedl an evecntfuil ciirecr. In 181)2 he
wa  admitted to the Inatd States Militarv Academn Lt West Point, and in 18% he was gradu-
atedfrmta       cm\ and comnmilnaint  a second lieutenant in the Twenty-fifth Infantry,
at that time stationed                                                   a    t Montana. In the Cuban campaign of 1808 Major Kerwin. at that time
a lieutenant. saw hie firtt actual service. Promotion to the grade of first lieutenant followed in
189'L). nd soon thereafter Major Kerwin accompanied the Thirteenth infantr to the Philippine
Islands   hile in the Philippine cmpaigns Maor Kerwin recived his promotion to the grade
of ciptain. In 1901 he returned with hi regiment to Caliornia, but in four \ears was again sent
to the Philippine Ind,. whcre he served Cor two \curs. Ipon his return to this countr Major
Kerwin was detaied for a your at the Arm\ School of the Line, loceett at Fort Leaenworth.
Kansas. His third and last trip to the Philippine inds occurred in 1I11. From there he was
assigned to Fort William I                                                   pa Snhard. Alaik-, where he was on duti or two _ears. Lpon his
return he iwn assigned to the Sixth Infantry at El Paso. Texas, and with this regiment he was a
participant in the Mxican Expedition under General Pershing in 1r1o  As a result of' this car-
paign, Maeor Kern was promoted to the grade of major, and during the ensuing year he was on
active dut\ with his regiment in Texas. His career is brought up to date by his assignment to
the Uniersit of' Wisconsin.
Purec 293
