The Northwestern
Mutual Life Insurance Company
To the Students and Alumni:
Do you know that the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company of Mil-
waukee is the only company that has maintained a separate organization for the
accommodation of its University of Wisconsin business?
Do you know that the University agency last year placed nearly three-quarters
of a million on the lives of students and members of the faculty of the University
of Wisconsin?
Do you know that the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company is a Wis-
consin company and that it has grown to be the largest purely American company?
Do you know that through the enormous taxes it pays to the state each year it
aids materially in the development of the University of Wisconsin?
Do you know that its contracts are most liberal, that its net cost is low?
You need protection and the best time to get protection is when you are best able
to procure it. Get it while you're young. It establishes your credit; it protects
your estate.
Business men carry large lines of insurance.
Investigate the Northwestern Mutual.
W. D. RICHARDSON, University Agent
Commercial National Bank Building                              Phone 885

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