CAR111   "\  I1, (a'gain  1917             1L1ARRY  I 11N 1<:   (aptain-clect
The 1918 Indoor Track Season
ByT. E. JosNis
W-ith practically every man of the championship track team of 1916 back in school a year ago,
the outlook for a third successive title-winning team in 1917 was of the brightest until the declara-
tion of war resulted in the cancellation of spring intercollegiate athletics here. Track work was
discontinued and graduation in June marked the passing of a wonderful three-year track squad,
one which had made the most successful cinder-path history in Badger annals.
The 1918 season started under discouraging conditions. Graduation and enlistments de-
pleted the ranks of track men until only three 'W' men returned to school. Of these, one more
was lost before the first meet when  Jimmy" Peterson, captain-clect, enlisted. However, a
creditable team was molded from green men, and it succeeded in taking third place at the Illinois
Relay Carnival, and a few weeks later took fourth honors at the Indoor Conference meet at
Evanston. With plenty of time in which to get into shape for the outdoor meets, the team should
improve considerably, and make an even bett r howing than it did during the indoor season.


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