This symbol, ladies and gentlemen, is the famous Sigma NU
shield, or coat of arms. It is a bit of heraldry which has lived long
in the traditions of the brotherhood, and is passed on from gencra-
tion to generation as a visible reminder of the motto of the organi-a-
tion, which says that the brethern Live faster, spend more money,
wkear better clothes, and get drunk oftener than any other bunch
in school.'' LInfortunatelv, Madion has been dry during the     4, t  T
\-ear. and this has been a sad blow to the boys, who are hard put i
it to live up to their reputation. This year they have gone into H)
publishing business, and their maiden effort in the new ficki [-
endeavor is shown on page 493. It is in the nature of anexpSe,
patterned, we believc, to a great extent, after Jim jam jems. It
was published under the title of T.he Sigma News."                Signmi .\a Shield
S      I'm afraid I made an awful mistake, Nil-
lie. You know I pledged Gammy Fly, and
low I've found out that they wont hav
invthing to do wkith any fellow who is an
\cacia, just because Frank Birch has some
[ictures of some of the girls when they were
having a party, and now I can't go with Bill.
like the girls, though, being in the house is
List like being in the Sunday school at home.
I hex have the swellest parties when they
Live us girls over and there's i nice Mrs.
lIrittingham who is always there. They go
in for war implicit\ and they comb their hairstraight back over their heads in order tosave, but
I don t think it improves the looks of soie of them to do it, at all. The girls look almost like
other human beings and in order not to be mistaken for them the other sororities got together
and had S,(  V order them all to war mufflers, and now ou can tell them a mile away. Other-
wise I think the are ill right.                  Yours affectionately,
k Dia \L,/ kiost:
You knowI' I I Ite  ILI iht I hldbeento all \hCuno t           m11
the sororities but one? Hell, I wais there last
,____  do herchy apply for adi-
night lot dinner. It is called the Ilapp ppa  miste intoK. 1KG srorit. M\ father ow,
G('immai Sorority. A girl introduced herself to   Car",s    srth "-  -  nid iS is t)
*     iLlV  hcral  ,t~h  his  mnion   1 i'pledged,  I (CaiS.
ie on the street and said her naime was Oschner  or cannot) buv a fur coat imimeidaieiiI  I refer  :-
I1 to        -    and
and she in itd rei over to dinner before we had  or iri'nati on regainOng iM oN'cMieUl siano ng.
gone  a  block.  Right  aiwa' after dinner  some  I  "iii  ,r  it) o  C Ic rI  eCr\  excluSi', zi
oft the  girl, tookI mie up-stairs and  I never- went  ,r or  ot  -o, ar d unt o f 1armn  cocke s, . n ...
.~t -ht               is  o r  jrre brutul  ,/  agarotUes,  Al-d
through  such  an  ordeal in  all  m   life.   Lh ia 11- r  to, th, Chapter at \tison, ig'eii'  iwit
put ie through a  regular third  degree and iLit  '  f" ie i i  i -il  other  i atioi  nhiL-
fL ,,Ia ,pi us im Pasingii, oni 'ra m,ti,, Wi lcisi
forced  mte to  take their old  pledge pin.  I didn't  L ks  -fir' vu corne to  ain, i. in , thill  -
mind it so much, thoLigh, because I had been
everywhere else and nobody had asked me to
join, so this was mx' last chance. 'Ihey are a funn' bunch. though the' all ear imitation
coom-skin coats to bedistinctie ,and theN picked them out because nobody else will wear them.
Some things are said about them which I don't quite understand Net-somrething about their
front porch being slipper \and raking it hard to get in, but it was cleaned off all right when I was
there. I'M ioillxy flad I got in soiews'here. anvwa'  \\ rite soon. HWith lose,
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