The following letter was written by a patriotic co-ed to cheer the former
Wisconsin man in the war camps, as a part of her service under the War Council.
A%     \1% daring, brise  oicr-boy,
Iust a few lines to say how I miss your loving presence.
Juit think! Probably we know each other. my dear. Were
%U that tall, dark, handsome fellow who used to dress so
piffy-and, oh yes, didn't you kiss me once by mistake on
the Kappa's front porch, thinking I was Ruth Petley' I
uaed to wear a bright green sport suit and stag it to the studio
i lot. Don't you remember me?
ihere's just more gore around school thiV year. We're
h \ing mixers instead of formal parties, you know, and we're
il wearing our friends clothes for economy. We're just
Ally patriotic. tx). Betty Pruett's doing her war sertice
uILasing all the men in turn. She gives precedence to the
who are going to leave for war first.  ' Sarge" Wild
knitting for you soldiers, too. The scarf he started turned
into a hockey cap, though.
Most all of us have been either burglarized or bombed.
We girls carry search lights and revolsers when we're out
ifter dark. I wish you were here to protect me, my brave
boy. After telling you all this I feel as if we had a bond in
cominon, don't you? 'The delightful part is that I almost
think I kow %otI, lor I M pr'Ctt sure it was you that kissed me, \ell, goodbye for tonight,
with all the love of  XXXXX       XXXXX
P S    I'm sorry this letter's mussy. \lv typewriter never would take more than six carbons.
After being duly censored and rendered properly IMPERSONAL by a joint committee
of the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A., composed of Carl Harris, Helen B. Smith. Ray
Erlandson and K. Mabis, the following letter was issued to the war camps:
Respected Ex-Stuident of the 1 niversity of Wisconsin now in training preparatory tosersing
his country.
The Women Student's War Work Council extends to you greetings and solicitations, in con-
junction with commiserations upon your absence from scholastic duties. It is confident, how-
ever, that while training yourself in
bravery, you are likewise schooling
your mind in psychology, philosophy,.
and kindred subjects which should help
you meet the end with fortitude.
The university has recently passed
through the period of midsemnester,
and is anticipating recess, during which
the seniors will make progress upon
their graduating theses. The student         "     ne'   n     n n     emnjan '
directory, comprising 14) pages, was issued early thise aron December 2.
The Women Students War Work Council has done great patriotic service this year by writing
impersonal, newsy letters to soldiers.           Most impersonally

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