The Baseball Season
The 1917 baseball season started off in good shape. With a good man in every position and
a fine string of substitutes, the spring training trip was a success. Six games were played and
only one was lost, that to Notre Dame. Had a return game been played we could have shown
them something, too. It certainly looked like a chamoionship team. The men were just begin-
ning to become proficient and our chances seemed rosy, when the faculty cancelled our intercol-
legiate schedule, bringing the season to a close.
This season the team should be as good as last, though an entirely new lineup will be pre-
sented. 1.nder the careful tutelage of Coach Lowman, who has a record of being a past master
at the art of turning out winningbaseball teams, we may look for big things. The indoor train-
ing this spring has worked wonders for the candidates and they have learned to bunt properly,
to steal bases scientificallv. and the correct methods of tagging a runner and throwing.
Since other conference schools, as well as Wisconsin, have had their baseball chances severelv
hit by the war, the outlook for the season is not as bad as it would seem, although only a few of
last season's squad men are still in school. Wisconsin has a reputation of producing ball players
the equal of those of other conference schools.
"SLM  _,  ,  -d

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