Women's Athletic Association
PURPOSE-The purpse f the Women          Athletc Ass,.eiton is the proimtion of a high pIhsical eficiency
among women hy fostering an interest in gymnastic and athletic actiitices. The association cooprates with the
Department of Physical Education in managing the various sports of the year. There is a student, a W. A. A. girl,
at the head of each sport who works with the faculty head of the sport
'VIEMBERSIilP.-Menbership is limited by athletic accomplishment, one semester's attendance in school, and
by a seventy-seven weighted average. One hundred and twenty-ivce points is the athletic accomplishment required
for admittance, plus continued participation in some form of athletics and attendance at the hi-wekly meetings for
continued membership. At present, the association has over one hundred members
HONORS.--Honors are awarded on a point system. For three hundred points, a member is awarded an associa-
tion pin, for six hundred points she receives a small emblem, and for eight hundred points the official 'W  on a white
sweater is awarded.
ACTIVITIES-The main work of the Association this year has been the revision of the constitution and the
*            abolishment of material awards. Mane additions to the constitution were necessitated hy the great growth of the
Association, manifested in the continual increase in interest and membership. Under the new rule regarding material
awards, a girl, upon earning the required number of points for an honor, is given the right to purchase the insignias
thereby alleviating a financial strain upon the Association, besides strengthening the ideal of "Athletics for Athletic'.
Sake." On June 5, 1917, the Association instituted its first annual Field Day at Camp Randall-the program in-
eluding the usual track events, interpretive dancing, an archery pageant, and championship gamesof tennis and baseball.
OUTING CLLB-The Outing Club is a new, informal club organized on the basis of any sport. Membership
is open to anyone interested in its work.  It has a section in the new constitution.
W. AA. CONFERENCE -A conference of Women's Athletic Associations of the Middle Western states was
instituted by questionnaires sent out hy the Wisconsin XV A. A. The conference was held at the University of Wis-
consinon March9-10, 1917. Official representativesattended from twentyschools Sixtv-one delegates and twohundred
persons were present.  The second conference, which has been nationally organized, was held April 12-13, 1918, in
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