TIE DAILY CADINAL                                                       3
Woman's Page                                                  SATISFY THAT DESIRE!
(Founded with Alpha Flee!)
Sa lie Spensley (Best Journalist in School).....Editor                Beforeitgrowscold.
Dad Grosser.Once Part-time Assistant t "Sallie"
Girls!                Rand or aettln   itoials.
The country is at war!!         Tomorrows feature  The Pit-
in the ma t place our girls con  falls of Sorority Life" A scath.
e   their boas  wC ath ,e ing        enunciation of  Kappa             At the Umon Cost Dance.
sane leather and cloth but will sure  smoker.
timeforhthe men ipickingsthe girls
whom they would fiii tote,.                                              Attendance limited to 800
It i alo sanstimeforhclinic,       COMMUNICATIONc.                                         *
for all mn-will either go blind en  Dear Editor.
tirely or berome so hardened that  I got to write to you again and this
they hacv have no further eye tro- time I do so with the orest of feet         musth         e      tojamn
bles.                           andfelns                                            stb     abet        j   mth
Girls, we MUST economize!    You se ma   nightea  theho rt
hrtomand.itiwassup posedtohbedo                          r   sh    t
an uccess and would have been f the                   doorsshut.
Girls. Watch Your Step     fella at the door had kept Robi'
ir.we must be more careful 1Sood cut. He thought, because he
Gilsr we htve re   creful was the ocrier in charge o
Ali ceure h.ot tried to      , Ire th,- he  who aroruhkiniihoe-   --_                            --    __
tionie ees huin .:  thi  e      raiig end denlr to pheodiot.
sgrnd looking hocs- po, it hento! cnnoh    r  hnrh    r
ko     toh day a niio e oset ito  en along. that e ough toi e
ke, ro  gii t theM~dn itu,,,the dtance.  Wel. or tehuirior '          1                        f
resin holes of hn~on tinked ochby deio-di1 tw  ornd u-' reel""i'd:;f~r
sere~nhto soofebe  *y. LkedT ea  thu  o e s ndo et  fou lee     R   unkels           R   est      R   oom
fair of last night has taught unsa   muh so we let him com.
leson and aiis tclehortiero sta  The w b tramped on us was noth-            "Never nicks a customer"
at! hor uche tc~ho o   go  trle slimw  Why dooo at th 1-ec1eerik
Fran~stoe~nchet tho  toiko     io een ruhing lestone foe
i o ctheeste  aidtoginr si- thr akse natishputin of thi    Wehave shaved Prexy Van Hise, Eddie Birge,
Charge fcnpany nearce e tuey are mordoco nisto eite Red Kelley, Bill Schwartz
tie niu eful ofrho comliany anedtitorual protesting the Ineusinn
yu cior its eare anod il wealte the Shoart hoo romw ha hooth         TheVIeWfromouWindowisuneCelled
haie at othleeo int-udcet. We want4 ag-
tayed home fsortoeoul atend the peccite iter muhf                    Midway between the Pi Phi's and Kappa's
t" "i. at -iy at         feCensarnut
her  But ilIn, WTE mst do our  Also I think it is a shame behsme
Inr for the war and why not star weo eahour h orn that theete s d     Bring in your saws-well sharpen theml
oilooi.~~~-~~ndoeiietoihonederehoct~ ~~i onoeuh nchofceceanrhta  .____________________
irih fice to he without us and are  reo ioitandit waall mele e
at t'he tront.t                 when I ousseroyed  home onenee            _      __
Walkinn is much oafer thin thosn  btnai ao ick in ithut I will say that Exnellent Hsair ob by Itliable FirmL
hrld omcers and not naerl so I it h-id ehen fiullo splinters they     Only 10 Centa               --    -    -      -
rionh  a the feet and the few be!, 5ore would hune flouted around in  Dlta Guamma in bsiness at 250  PA RI      T  R  L
s-l niwny. go if you1 lter cirogl In nI.w                  ag      t                         PATRIOTIC        ALLY
to eat Htut we ist be careful   That as a fne party and the el-  n    Stl
towwhotooghtthet file on     e  Afe    ticing ooter pedgens
tow  thenais esund many a    Ite hssesri-                         nc    ei    ci
LADY TONSORIALISTSTOO           toot nfror damage. There wre not ttions of sartig on th o           (Coinud from pace 1)
crymany ofunhurt  pd;.:                                   1,~iir ofaner strrn  on the nammantimOvr
MUCH FOR GRISWOLD knoced down in the third    prut    oethid of procedure simple. it Sranseearshuane to lookhimoe
5ot up before ton man stepynd on ia an follow: Take a lare (ex   SmertenkoCrosn-Examines
hiet. ff was a fiee ptny, most of tremoely large) yellow cookig bow'  "I would like to ak you if at any
PromlinetJuniorHUrt inRUS0the nrorities were relteesented bt (it must be yellow), and placo tbi tme in youe career you were ever
new H    ir Brb         Alpha Gamma Delt led. Theytare wgetly on thr head- llowing it t aecuted of not being patriotic?"'
-,.. Det lt. h        tsu e  n-cit eer thyes  Cua t. 'soet'T
New Heassler Barber        werbeotid to fuirnish sa0 waney rsha-eatotrnheowthet'arp-     -isove,!  nthfom Misa Jithey
Shop               ehrOa few ter, fro      rIi li i rbbolt two  e-hesbe thal 1ot          his f  k  ibb   A
StopTher wers fe thee fe           fiAne Po  ot  turatle and You hunt a  "Well, do yo thnkifw  pot
Sisuti Too too  Wroui as fo bu  si at 'wielta G  tair Rot  Flap 00 the Gover of the Literary
~              W alit reie the outsider, far tattler  -    CL__________________  Manguineewencoud get a largeetcie'
Milton Griswold was seriously in in  wrtnh to remain.                                        ua      wc      ga       ei
fared cs-r;ay when he attempted to               Yours,
rtefirerpato  e ew iLdilr                        AlFalter   YEARLINGSABLE tdlneas                  e fr"Lit e met-
Rather St-op opened by the itacnnisld otrer a______________d_____                             Fiulenhehituo         tmt
So-r-~tue n  eel                                                                        ir   k caled t ohe adi~re
awd b~e  n  tni     *.                                TO TAKEBAT         Sro  nhod that tepurpose of the
Infirorywith a                                                                         Lite i ndT  T K  AT S"rary Mtagazine woe to glveeshe
o  in  rel.u . condit.          College Inrectionary        I                                Englihdpartmethat -evebtoklIn
kt hetoconiotainiingr hinei   Su     -H       D-Lu               (Continued from page 1.)  mereaside issue.
--, oynmeoeial wrk sod reaiaie  Iesll'sOJ5                                                                s'. t-lrle  er  Agae i
tiroopportunity sorup to  rplae  Now under te manage.         d the first person he saw was Dean  Mtistnltec sold it th lewere so
ttietieater saters opened theireo-t                          lie-ge                          otlecrbons she hod afitneCopyoft'he0
leof a regular shop itoward lo          ment of                   hat do you think of this heat- Aier on Flag she would like th
falk whtto id thile In Cicago nat hssiutiona? suavely injuired our pre ent to he society.
,.Ii ith the foothall tram pateorried  GimeeLucre Brown   reporeer.                        Fiodler, when the Cheering had
orre of threse snaps 0nder feoimir;elrnm..-iariabIoi,1 tidtrw,,.tgt
mnanement. did no hear oftti eper     Successor to            knowone thing   iiwtto remove the cotistitai on ht yen ted th
ing of ite nnwehop   thirs                                    'hreedtromfromourmidst         Forem   owningaf lga but that up t0
trne tired to gretinealey  The      JDr. Cart Rusel Fish was ton                            date it had never teen diceussed.
roul was tidto gewid was] aThei                          Lheibrary. 'Wh, do youthink of  nyothta       wnaeytedsa
rtohar as thael cal outsidst                                 rh notion that has dopthe Fresh-  nh  yer yassed cut roleeoftha
dor hand th acc    ident fo                                    men from bathing snCe January?  intional anthem and the whole meet-
doorsand thesecotfollowed  Ira                                                                sodan n The to'n
rock gained entrance. however, and                               "Why by the way, Erlandon that i  d Bannee  It was the most sn-
althoiigh he looks a trifle pale around                        s a very delicate shaded cravatte edful meeting nf the e.
the ears he says the new shop doou arewearing.s
fndwork saed ady  sl to rythei r       OAthis moment President VanHise
hard teneng  fieod's reslain                              ruie airing and he rwas intercepted PHiKAPPURLICITYSTUNT
have ~~                  ~           ~u nentfe.1,  uirahnt Reprter,
Itou    d ha beed n      long       LANDS POND IN COOLER
gU .                       na ai