1 1 SREAS, this section is greatly indebted
to its unwitting and unwifling con-
trihutors who have so kindly made
themselves conspicuous ohject- for
-atire, and
i ivi ms, %kithout them this section would read like
a Sunday school quarterly, therefore be it
Resolved. that to Flip Adler, T. N. E., the Chi Phis and
their noose (they rope in pledges with it)-paper. the Alpha
Gams, Verne Varney, the Sigma News, the Thetas, the
potatoes (get the alliteration), the Gammy Flics. the
D's. and their famous hath-tub and black-list. the
Kapps and their slippery front porch, the Sigh Youse
and their fire, S. G. A. and its rules and rulers, Ray Er-
landson and Leroy Burlingame, the close-up fiends, sorority
alley, the Lit and Das Deutsche Haus, and our censors
we. with all due respect, do hereby flippantly deaducate
this tank of Poison Gas sohelp us Carl Russell Fish

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