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WH ithup.o ie- In thcregular \\cw-in in \\,it Im  im     beginning op    a                -
Our energetic photoiperi> w\ii tI w  to FZ1n  an treatodJ t  di h1  ice creo n  \
Ken Bahe ifhe would Cee that thi picture of hi Jesk got in the BAIXIR. Note that with uch
an inspiration Ken u es no books, but the small date calendar at the extreme right occoupics a
strategic position.
I H\AS the end of rohing week. Ihe Gamma Flage s
had pledged the u-ual number of clinging xines. And
how they do cling to the sturdy oaks, especially at the
Shop! And there came along a damsel with a face
Ike a hard winter: and her skirts were so long and modct
- that no one could tell whether she wore silk stocking od:r
nicht. The Gmma Flages cogitated: and thentheysaid:
Look here I This woman will be a Phi Bete  I ow clever
it would be to take her to our Georgette bosoms and get the
rep. for knowing brains when we hear them!
So they clamped the good old signboard over her heart,
Andiue   n    ia  a oc       assigned her to the coal-bin in the cellar, and waited for mid-
semesters. The cme. And the sad's one's marks wcre four
cons, ust like the rest Of the sisters. Her face and cotume were onl camouflage.
Moral: Every nut is not a Phi Bete.
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