ITI  our official "0. K. on this, our last page of
1 dgcr copy, we watch the pressman as he
makes ready   on the final form; and are
arr5 it s all over.
Ithas been our aim in this volume to con-
It rct a monument to the Patriot ofWiscon-
in. It has been done, too, with a genuine
eCeiII that the real patriots of 'Wisconsin are the Wisconsin vol-
unteers, who stand on the firing line, ready to lay down their lives
for their countrv. These are men-that brave array of manhood
and valor who form the true frontier of the nation and who
once formed the true Wisconsin!
And so this Badger was built with mingled feelings of regret
that we were here. We trust, though, that this volume will live
in the history of Wisconsin as the "War Badger.'
To the many persons who o willingly helped on this book we
are extremely grateful. We wish to express our keen apprecia-
tion to Mr. N. I1. Baunigartner, of the Catwell Printing Com-
pany. The dark hours of an abbreviated editorial career have
been brightened through his association, and a well printed
volume is due to his careful attention and splendid interest.
Miss Nadelyn Stanchficld s willing cooperation as Art editor
will never be forgotten. Nfr. Kenneth Scott, Nliss Florence
King and Miss Margaret NIclas deserve great credit for the ex-
cellent manner in which they handled their respective sections
'[he entire Badger board, especiill Miss Irene I laley, Mi-
Marjorie IKinnan, Mr. Paul Cranelield, Miss MargaretLewis,
Ir. IHarold Gill. Mr. Thomas'luttle. N1r Edward Deuss, and
Nir Gunnar G. Gundersen deserve much praise in the work
they have done. We are indebted to Frank Birch. editor of the
118 Badger. for many valuable sug"e"tionlO.
I lere's to you, Wisconsinl -yourtre a Great Old School to
serce-but now\ for the Army     -Tm, Enoo.
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