been carried to this station on
the Verdun sector, is bing placed
in an American ambulanc wnhih      sh
to leavc for a heopial,

mi 'A

Crawford Wheeler, '16, actedas a Y.M.C.A. secretary in a German prison
camp in Berlin until the United States declared war on Germany, when he
was ordered out by the Imperial government. He left immediately for
Moscow, Russia, where he is now serving as assistant director of American
army work of the International Y. M. C. A. The picture shows him on the
front porch of the first Russian army Y. M. C. A., or Soldatski Club."
Note the typical Russian architecture, the American flag and the red triangle.

*4seen with his airplane just before
he undertook a cross-country flight
from Kelly Field, San Antonio, which
nearly cost him his life. A thirty-five-
mile gale dashed his machine to earth, and
as a result of his injuries he was confined
to the hospital for two months.