National Athlctic Fraternit

Sigma Delta Psi
Founded atl I...aina  I n Iues , 1  W  .i..oni...  191,

Al st


Burke c

Chapter Roll
INDIANA IN5iERsITY                     DIdPsUw L NINitry
UJNIeRSITY oF MINNE k soi-          IMIItA) CoIu.;cL
IjIAN(5IR eContA;                     JNIVERSIY OF CLRWAIN)
WAXIIs i COnLLE(                       Co,100AF CoLares
Bunl1eR CoiEu                         UNIVaIRitITY OF IExAS
UNI\I RTY r MAINE                   N. D. AGRictI.TURAlI COLLEGE
U N1vei1stiiY O- UTI.

Qualificationsfor Membership
100-\lard Jas'h --11 3-esconids
120-srad hurdle-20 ucond,
220-yard low hurdles-fl  econds
Runnin higjimrip-5 ecet
Running road jurp-17 feet
Shot put (10 ]h) --30 fect. (Proportionate to size of maln)
Pole vault-8 feet , inches
Throwing baeball-250 feet on fly
Punting football-120 feet on flv
100-1acI ari  -(Continuous without ret)
2-mile run -12 minuts 15 scconds
10-mile alk-2 hour 30 minute,
Front handspring
Hand stand-10 seconds
Front ive frorn hrt feet over 4 foot obtaclt
Correct pSture, especialls of head
Twenty-eight Wiconsn athltes trid to pass the cimbrhip tets for Sigmra Delta Psi in the firet Near of its ex-
istence here. They were Meade Burke, Al Sands, Donald Dixon, Walter Kuehn, Ray McCrory, Harold Knapp, Len
Cox. Carman Smith, James Peterson, I larry Field, Byron Nelson, Allen Spiffurd, Bernardo Elson. William Maleckar,
Andrew Andrees, Ed Williams, Robert Tillotson. Nelvin Chae, Ed Schrank, Arlie Schardt, Eber Simpson, John
Mitchell, Chase Donaldson, Harry I Icintren, Russell Putnam. and David Blattner.
Four men, Burke, '17, Sands, '13, Dixon, '17, and Kuchn, 20, passed the tests. All are nos in war service.
McCrory, Knapp and Cox failed of membership by a narron margin, each missing out on one test. McCrory lacked
the two-mile run, and Knapp and Cox each failed on the hand stand.

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Pa"g e     199)

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