Added Develoirents Planed

Seventy-six of the 82 operators reported that they have suitable
lands on their present Wonerships on which to expand their recreation
businesses. Twenty-nine indicated that such lands are available
on adjacent ownerships at a reasonable cost and an additional 18
operators indicate there are such adjacent lands but they do not
know about its availability or cost. There are available lands
for enterprise expansions either on or adjacent to 94 percent of
the 82 ownerships with a camping enterprise.
Thirty-two of the 82 ownerships with a camping enterprise have
plans for enlarging their recreation businesses (Table 26). In all
cases the canping enterprise will benefit fran the enlargements and
nearly all of then are directly involved. Each business enlargement
will include added acreage developments totaling 242 acres or an
average of 7.6 acres per ownership. Operator 's estimates of development
costs, exclusive of a land charge, is a total of $286,500; or an
average of $8,953 per ownership. These developments are on ownerships
well distributed throughout the state (Table 26) although proportionately
mo~re are in the central and east central parts (Planning Areas I
and II, see Figure 1). Next to the southeast part of the state these
are the sections where added camping facilities can best help meet
the needs. Also, sare of the estimated costs are for adding quality
facilities as well as for increasing cxground capacities.
Ownerships With Camping Enterprise To Have Added
Recreational Acreage Developments in the Next Three Years
(Cy Planning Areas and Score of Present Campgrounds)

of            Added development
Location by planning areas               ownerships      Acres       Costs
Central I                                   7              91          709000
East Central II                             7               16         67,300
Southeast III                               2               28         40,000
South Central IV                             3               8         41,000
Southwest V                                  3              35         16,000
West Central VI                              2               6          2
Northwest VII                               6               42         39,200
Northeast VIII                              2              16          11,000
Total                                      32              242       $286,500

Present campground scorings:
Either A or B                            18
C                                         9
Either D or E                              5
Total                                   32

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