week day fills of 33 percent or more. Only 15 enterprises (18.3%)
have both weekend and week day camping space occupancy (fill) of
one-third or more. These enterprises do not have a ccrorn size of
campground--cne-fourth of the smallest (6-20 spaces each) and an
equal percentage of those with 41-80 spaces each are among the 15.
Also, 9 percent of the group with 21-40 spaces each and an equal
percentage of the largest campgrounds (81 or more spaces each) are
among those with 33 percent or more of their spaces filled on both
a weekend day and a week day (Table 21).
Days open, percentage fill and annual occupancy equivalent.
The length of period or number of days during the year that
the enterprise is open for camping has sane influence on the number
of participant days of camping use of the campground. The shortest
open-for-business period, for any of the camping enterprises studied,
is 90 days. Only approximately 18 percent (15) of the enterprises
are open for fewer than 120 days. The longest business period is
220 days for 1 enterprise. One other is operating a period of 200
days. Thirty-six (44%) of the enterprises have open-for-business
periods of 160-199 days while 29 (35%) enterprises have Operating
periods of 120-159 days. The mean average number of days open for
business in a year for all campgrounds is 147 days. However, on the
average, approximately 77 percent of the enterprise camper trade
is in the 90-100 day summer period including June, July and August.
(This trade figure is determined fran mnnthly trade data for one-
fifth of the enterprises.)
A camping-space-days annual capacity was determined for each
enterprise by multiplying number of days open for business by number
of camping spaces in the campground (Table 22 re: "available spacee-
days"). These capacities were summed separately for those enterprises
in each of 5 groups established by percentage of camipng spaces
filled on an average weekend day as used in Table 18. An average
per enterprise of camping-space-days annual capacity was respectively
determined on a per camping space basis for each of the 5 groups
and for all 82 campgrounds. These answers are figures for weighted
average space-days per space availability.
Also, a weighted average per enterprise figure for percentage
of spaces used per day was determined for each of the 5 separation
groups (as used in Table 18) and for all 82 campgrounds. This was
done by: (1) adding the number of spaces on each enterprise occupied
during a usual 2 day weekend with a like figure for the 5 week
days, (2) summing these answers and dividing by the number of enterprises,
(3) dividing this answer by 7 (days in a week), (4) divided by the
average per enterprise total number of camping spaces which gives
percentage of spaces used per day.

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