If each cing part had considered each listed feature as
important to it there could have been 3,525 party-preferences
(141 parties tines 25 features, exclusive of item "othert for miscellaneous)
Haver, trierre only 1, 615 (total of 1,637 minus 22 for "Oother"
in Table 31).  Tis can mean that on the average there is a 46
percent preference for the 25 features as a whole ranging fran practically
no preference for one to nearly 100 percent for another.
Less than one-half (43 percent) of the camping parties indicated.
that a low price for camping space was an important preference
(Table 31). in their listings for priority preferences the camping
parties gave this item only I first, 1 second, 1 third and eight
fourth priority ratings. Eight parties included it as their fifth
most important consideration, However against these 19 priority
preferences were 16 parties (Table 30) indicating low, price as
uniportant to them (i.e., as 1 of the 5 features they selected
as having no importance). CAments fran the campers praoote the
obserVatiCn that if the daily price for a caing space is reasonable,
most of them will not pass up a caxgground having their preferred
features just to find something cheaper.
Boat and Motor
Twenty-eight percent of the camping parties brought their
own boat and notor. Cnly 4 percent have only a boat along but no
tor. OMne-third of the parties rent either a boat or both a boat
and       whtor wile on their amping trip. There is no indication that
the remainin  oneWthird of the campers expect to use a boat while
Sixrming facilities were available on the carmping enterprise
ownerships where 131 of the 141 caming parties were interviewed.
Ninety-three percent (122) of the 131 parties have 1 or more mtters
who go swamig daily if the weather permits. Eighty-seven percent
of the cam     use the swimning facilities.
All camping parties were asked if they considered a swmnining
pool as a satisfactory substitute for a swiuing beach (at the campground).
Nearly one-half (49 percent) answered 'yes'. Aliost an equal nunber
(47 percent) said 'no' and 4 percent had no opinion on the subject.
For those 69 answering 'yes'e 93 percent have 1 or more m.bers
of the party that swim daily, which is only slightly different
franthe parties that said 'no'.
26 Witein preferences for the "oter" item were give by 22 caming
parties. The predarinant preference item included insect control,
restxvations possible, playgurids, dumping stations and laundry
facilities. This "sothers item ranks 19th arrLng 26 items of priority
preferences (Table 30) and 23rd for numbers of total preferences of
importance to camters (Table 31).

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