4. The smallest camping enterprise studied has only 6 camping
spaces. The largest has 385 spaces and is in the 13 percent of
all enterprises having 81 or more spaces each and averaging 157
spaces per campground. The other 71 enterprises are equally distributed
in 3 size groups, namely, 6-20, 21-40 and 41-80 camping spaces,
respectively averaging 15, 32 and 58 camping spaces per campground.
5. More of the camping enterprises have flush toilets than
have pit toilets. Thirty-eight percent have flush toilets cnly,
but 77 percent have flush toilets since 39 percent have both flush
and pit toilets. While 62 percent have pit toilets just 23 percent
have pit toilets only.
6. All camping enterprises have drinking water for the campers
and 79 percent supply hot water. Seventy-seven percent of the enterprises
have hot water shower baths. Twenty-eight percent have laundry machine
facilities and 30 percent have a store (food, etc.).
7. Ninety-one percent of the enterprises have electric outlet
hookup for campers' use at sane or all of their camping spaces
but only 20 percent also have sewage hookup facilities. More sewage
hookups are being added each year on many of the campgrounds even
though many of them already have sewage dumping stations.
8. Fee charges for a camping space vary fran $1.00 (only 2
cases) to $3.50 per day. Approximately 21 percent of the charges
are $3.00 to $3.50 per day, 26 percent are $2.25 to $2.75 per day,
39 percent are $1.75 to $2.25 and only 12 percent are $1.50 per
space per day and 2 cases charge $1.00 per day. Seventy percent
(57 enterprises) charge extra for utility hookups--electricity,
sewage and/or water-with fees of fran 25 cents to $1.00 per day.
There is no prevailing pattern among enterprises for any of the
fee charge rates and they are subject to change in the future. Sane
operators have an additional charge over their basic per camping
space fee for each additional person over a minimum number of either
4 or 5 people per camping party.
9. Advanced camping space reservations are accepted and honored
by 82 percent of the enterprise operators and only one-third of
them require a money deposit. Reservations for a specific camping
space are not accepted in advance to camper arrivals at the campground.
10. On 98 percent of the enterprises 93 percent of their camping
spaces are for either tent or trailer use. Only 3.4 percent of
all 4,214 camping spaces on the 82 campgrounds are for tents only
(m 9 percent of the enterprises) and only 5.3 percent are for trailers
only (on 18 percent of the enterprises). Furthermore, on these
approximately 27 percent of the enterprises, only about one-fourth
of their camping spaces are for either tents only or trailers only.
Dual type use for a camping space is the daninant pattern. Developed
area per camping space is about the same irrespective of type of
camping abode use.

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