Week Day Occupancy of Camping Spaces and Holiday Influences

Enterprises/       Percent
Percent of camping spaces                    verage. week day     of spaces
Filled on average week day               Number        Percent    filled
75 to 100 percent group                     1             1          80
50 - 74 percent group                       6              7         60
33 - 49 percent group                       8            10          39
15 - 32 percent group                      18             22         20
Less than 15 percent group                 49             60          7
Total                                      82            100         16
Having added fill on week days just                                Added
before and/or after holiday weekends      20            24         15
Camping Space Occupancy by Size of Enterprise
For Average Weekend and Week Day Trade
C~amings spcs fill on weekends and weekdays-
Weekend 33%
Size Groups              Number   Both fills        or more, but       Both
(By Number of Camping    in Size  under 33%        weekday under 33%  33%
or more
Spaces on Campgrounds)   Group    Number Percent Number Percent        Number
6 -20 spaces               24        11       46        7       29      
  6       25
21- 40 spaces              23         8       35      13        56      
  2        9
41 - 80 spaces             24         9        37.5    9        37.5    
  6       25
81 - 385 spaces            11         5       45.5      5       45.5    
  1        9
Totals                     82        33        40.2    34       41.5    
 15       18.3

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