Scores (percentage score points) for the 3 principal secticns
both in total (Table 1) and for each item (Table 3) are detemined
for use as a guide in eva     g streth or weakness of cmground
features. In general the II-Design-General, and Site-area features
do not score as favorably as others covered in the score card. In
all 5 status groups the average scores for this section are below
their respective total score for the campgrounds, and this section
has approximately half the total possible scorepoints (Table 2).
Sub-item in the 3 principal sections were examined by using
4 groups, namely A or B, C, D or E scoring camgrouns and the
average for all 82 cases (Tables 2 and 3). Since the possible score
points for an item may not be the same for different campgrounds
the score in percentage points (rated points divided by possible
score points) were used for crparisons (Table 3). These scores are
determined directly fran data in Table 2. Each percentage score in
Table 3 can be contrasted with the number 100 and those nearest this
size show high quality campground features (items on the score card)
while the smallest scores reflect lack of quality.
A few items are consistently strong throughout all status groups.
In Section I (Roads), most roads blend with natural topography and
except in the D or E status capgrounds most single lane roads are
at least 15 feet wide and rost double lane roads are at least 22
feet wide. In the II-Design-General and Site-area section no item
is consistently strong in all status groups. No sub-item scored over
67 percentage points in the D or E status group and most scored under
50. However, the A or B status group scored 80 or greater for all
sub-items except for the item "C.-Camp spaces (stall or spurs) 75'-
100' apart"which scores 62, the car spurs item which scored 76,
and the "H. -Barriers (natural or artificial) to define parking spaces
and privacy for camp use area" which scored 57.5
In section III most toilets were located over 75 feet fran nfst
camping spaces and closer than 400 feet to most camp spaces in all
but the D or E status groups. The sections ""E. Electricity; Lighting
and outlets camcendable within purpose intended" is a strong scoring
item. However, features of the campgrounds concerning registration
staticns and areas (item III-F) had lo scores in many instances.
The item III-"D. Garbage disposal: garbage containers ample, attractive
and locations reasonably screened" is the other low scoring feature
in this sectiao of the score card.
Validity of the distance and screening stars as scoring guides
will be covered in subsequent sections of this report where use and
user preferences are examined.

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