The General Business form (Schedule Part A) of the study covers
the following: years in the recreation business, size of ownership
and the recreation area part, types and sizes of all recreation enterprises,
operator's age, training and experience, seasonal length of business,
labor and operations information, expansion possibilities, satisfactoriness
of inccme, assistance from technical and financial help sources, cooperation
with private and public individuals and agencies, availability of capital,
advertisement nedia, types and number of nonrecreational enterprises
on the ownership and other related information. This schedule provides
for 195 possible entries for its 35 principal items and sub-items.
(Appendix A).
The Camping Enterprise (Part B-Schedule B) coverage includes:
number and acreage of separate developed camping site-areas and backup
land acreages; number of cairping spaces boy sub-counts for tents, trailers
or both; wooded condition of the grounds; screening or separations for
camping spaces and distance between spaces; provisions for overflow
usage; other recreation activity facilities; use and total trade
by weekends and weekdays and by lerngt of stay periods; availability
of various campground service facilities; campground quality status;
types and amounts of fee charges; percentage of total recreation
business coning from. the camping enterprise; total number of people
and participant days use of campground; features attracting custarers;
extent of repeat custaners; and acceptance of requests for reservations.
This Schedule B provides for 102 possible entries for its 22 principal
items and sub-items (Appendix A).
All 82 campgrounds were examined in detail while completing
a Campground Score Card (Schedule S) for each. This score card covers
22 subject items separately rated in numerical terms; it also provides
for a suianary score and an alphabetical status rating (see following
section on Rating Campgrounds). The campground was scored by the
research project personnel with no assistance from or discussion
with the camping enterprise operator. Neither scoring nor findings
were reviewed with the operator.
Following corpletion of the three schedules (Part A, and Schedules
B and S), interviews were made with sare of the camig  parties in
the campground. A User Preferences form (Part B-Schedule C-Camping
Enterprise) was ccrpleted during each interview  (Appendix A).
This schedule covers such items as: total number of camping
party finbers with separations for husband, wife, children, number
uder 12 years of age, other adults; type of camping abode; miles
fran hare residence; cause of camgrod selection; advance reservation;
years of camping--total in the campground where interviewed within
25 miles of present camp; in other privately owned camrouds;
private or public campground camping or both last year and miles
fran hare residence; if and where added camping will be done in
present year; features party may prefer in a campground (25 considered,
5 selected in priority of importance, and up to 5 selected as having
little or no significance); did party bring its own boat or motor,
will such be rented this trip, and is rental usual; number in party

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