Assistance Received by Camping Enterprise Operators

With campgrounds
All (82)            rated A or B (37)*
Sources of assistance      When received Number    Percent     Number   
UW-Coop. Extension-County   Presently       35          3          19   
Initially       31        38          15          41
Soil & Water Cons. Dist.    Presently        31        38          16
Initially       30        37          13           35
Wis. Div. of Cons. (DNR)    Presently        27        33          11   
Initially       32        39          18          45
U.S. Soil Cons. Service     Presently       31         38          16   
Initially       29        35          12           32
All 4 of above agencies     Presently        12        15           7   
Initially       13        16           9           24
None of above 4 agencies                     22        27          12   

* See section on Rating Campgrounds; 37
group A or B (Table 1).

of the 82 campgrounds are in the status

The 9 features are: (1) campground must have a status rating
of A or B; (2) campground must be heavily or Miderately wooded; (3)
fee charge per day per space is $2.50 or more; (4) swirning and fishing
facilities must be available on the ownership and nearby the developed
camping site(s); (5) the enterprise operator accepts and honors advance
reservations for a camping space; and the following facilities must
be provided on the campground; (6) flush toilets; (7) shower baths;
(8) electricity outlet, hockup at the camping space, and (9) laundry
machine and/or store on the campground.
Thirteen (16%) of all 82 camping enterprises have these 9 features. These
13 enterprises account for 25 percent of the camping spaces on all 82 campgrounds
with an average of 81 spaces per enterprise (as conpared to an average
of 51 camping spaces for all campgrounds). They have an average of
216 PDs use per camping space campared with 168 days for all enterprises.
Their total PDs of use accounts for 30 percent of the total for
all 82 enterprises. Eighty-five percent of their trade stays more
than 1 night. All of their present operators except 8 percent expect
to continue as operators for 8 or more years and 92 percent are
financially stable. Six of the 13 enterprises have been established

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