1.   Summary of Rating Scores
2.   Average Scorings for Campgrounds
3.   Campgrounds' Rated Scores' Percentage of Possible Score
4.   Campground Size and Quality Rating Status
5.   Recreation Enterprises in the Recreation Business - Camping Alone
and in Enterprise Conbinations
6.   Size of Enterprise by Number of Camping Spaces
7.   Campground Service Facilities
8.   Fee Charges for Camping Space
9.   Operators Acceptance of Advanced Reservations
10. Camping Enterprises by Types of Spaces
11. Distance Between Camping Spaces and Numbers per Site-Area Acre
12. Camping Space Separations
13. Relation of Vegetation Cover and Camping Space Separations
14. Size of Campgrounds and Screened Camping Spaces
15. Activity Facilities on the Ownership and Nearby the Camping Area
16. Operator's Priority Rating for Features Attracting Customers to
Camping Enterprises
17. Participant Days Use of Campgrounds; Annually Per Enterprise and
Per Camping Space
18. Weekend, Week Day and Weekly Occupancy of Camping Spaces by
Enterprise Groupings for Percentage Fill on the Average Wbekend
19. Occupancy of Camping Spaces on Average and Holiday Weekends
20. Week Day Occupancy of Camping Spaces and Holiday Influences
21. Camping Space Occupancy by Size of Enterprise for Average Weekend
and Week Day Trade
22. Equivalent Days of Camping Space Use per Year by Enterprises Grouped
by Weekend Fill
23. Importance to Total Trade Fran Camper Occupancy Periods of Less
Than One Week
24. Part of Total Trade Fran Repeat Customers of Previous Years
25. Percentage of Operator's Total Recreation Incane Fran Camping
26. Ownerships With Camping Enterprise To Have Added Recreational
Developments in the Next Three Years (By Planning Areas and Score
of Present Campgrounds)
27. Assistance Received by Camping Enterprise Operators
28.  Advertisement Media Used by Camping Enterprises--by Operators'
Priority Selections for Importance
29. Statistical Calculations for Camping Data
30. Priority Preferences by Campers for Campground and Enterprise
31. Campground and Enterprise Features Preferred by Campers