24     tverit Farm Place 
Western Cartridge Company 
AttentioniMr. J. D. Gree# Sales Department 
lat   lto* Illins 
Dear Mr. Greent 
In reply to your letter of Jamm-y 6. regarding our o*4r for 
one case (5W0 round*) of 12 gg shotgun ammunition. Super X 
no, 6 shott 
ho losed is the governmt approv',d Form SPW    S2 which is 
required before shipment of shells.   I hope t t willi be adequate# 
ince our wee4 for these shells is immediate, I wonder if it ould 
be possible for you to ship ns the shelle at your earliest 
oonvenience, an we will be glad to send thro      the University 
req tuition to cover the cost as soon as we f     a out the amoua. 
The shells m be shipped tot 
Mr. Robert A. Mcsabe 
Arboretum Bioloist U. of Vie. 
42_4 niversity Para ?laoe 
MadLon 5, Wisonssin 
Thaning you very kindly, 
Sincerely yours, 
R&Mash                                Robert A, McCabe 
enclosure                             Arboretum Biologist 
Form VPB26S2