corner should be enclosed, planted with pLlarded willow and dogwood. 
ll.At (a) is a dense stringer of slough grass. The tile outlet is in this
It Is high-class winter cover as it stands. A wire feeder should be put on
south side this winter. In future years, as rotation allows, a strip of uncut

corn will be even better. 
At 10(b) is a river bank now supporting grass enough for nesting only. This

bank would be fortified against erosion by root-binding it with pollarded
and dogwood. It would then help winter the birds at 11(a). 
At 14(c) a grove to furnish cattle shade is needed. Enclose and plant a 
mixture of cottonwood and walnut, plus a few spruces. 
At 14(d) the cattle have denuded the riverbank and exposed it to erosion.

This pasture is to be seeded to canary grass. During this protected interval

stud the bare bank with willow staubs tall enough to put the sprouts out
of reach 
of cattle. Dogwood bush willow and alder might also be added on the chance
would survive later grazing. 
An even better plan would be to fence the whole bank, except for water-gaps,

but this would involve 1/2 mile of new fence.