Sp ecimen No, 
sk1in flo.____ 
Species:     eae   (Cico  s ii.. 
Sex:        Lie                          Age:       .__         _     _.

Bands, feather-marks, toe-punches: 
Collected by:    OrviSle S. Lee, P r   ise, Ut 
name                           adrs 
xained by         r  1e S.................... 
Skin prepare-d by:        l    -ee..... 
a.m.               a.m.                a.m.               a.m. 
Date:            pm.1V13/-93    .pm. -0.           -p.m l/1-196     p.m.

killed              found            received          examined 
Place collected: Jcft' r or, L    e  ills   . I     T. ' 
county   -      nearest to          exact location 
" "        ,ro ty yrd o ,. r .mre.ide~  ....      ied8 surrourmdi~g

general surrounding habita).t 
L t. w 
-specific   oni--on ,-at olcton site 
Specimen: dead X;      l'ive   ;sick       "  healthy'     ; entire
  X  ;partial 
fresh   X   * decompQsed         captive      ;' wild 'X 
Cause  of  death:           .... .... .   . 
If collected while still al.ive., a~ t  hsp qcimiq. exhibit any notice able
before collecting?            How? 
Laboratory examination: 
Weigt: ?'8,t        grams.      Fat           average          emaciated

How was sex dotormninod? Diction 
How was age dot ermined? ________________________ 
.  ..   ,~uiageo 7 pola o phaso~-bdaitics 
iris        .bill.             tarsus           foet ____________ 
M!lt. No9ne  .        par  4   ...... .qmplot  ,    head       n ieck .___

br-ast        back .         ,remiges  -    covorts   -   rotrices ___ 
Feather wear