Instrctions ad sugestions for mim effiio           in fighting fires at the

University Arboretum. 
1. Mah man on the squa4 when he is notifi  is responsible for notifying one

other member of the squa4 The proceure is as follows; (IM!0 TANTI) 
s. When you are notified, call he mean on the list wose name appears 
b. tIf the men cannot be reached, "ll the next man tn the list, ete.

. Should the prsoa not be able to go, it *hall be his responmeliity to 
call nother member so as not to break the chia. 
d. When you hay* relayed the     i proceed imeiately to the O      c 
headquarters unles given instractions to the contmr. 
2. The most dangerous fire is the "gross fire" which when fane
by a breese 
travels very fasts hoese go as fast as you can to the camp after you are

All equipment will be at the sne of the fire. 
Unless city fire-fittin   officil are prsent, Tm Btzn will captin 
the crew. 
5. The accompanying map and orew list should be kept in a place where it
be found readily. 
6. If there is any change in your telephone number, of you find you are unable

to be of future service, please call T. K. Jordan so the necessary changes

can be made in the list. 
Arboretum (and Tom ktsn, custodian) B. 179. 
Conservation Department, B. 5100, Mr. Swift, It. 337. 
Demolitio  and Clearance, Rad Repair, 
and Deoontamiwation Squads 
T. K. Jordan             714 1. Olin Avo.                a. 1155       D.
5100, Ext. 550 
R. S. Fea                1606 Adamst.                      4"5     
 B  5, Tht, 111 
1. 1. Sti                1    ritti      Place           G. 4789 
D.  . Zeamn              510 1. min St.                  G. 3l         Y.5926

Archie Clkins            931 tehrenbrook Ct.             B.   71 
Gilbert Hagne            215 Van Deusing St.             B. 2706 
Claude Trigs             1015 Grant St.                  3. 4037 
Martin J. Stats          7091. LAkeside St.              1. 4579 
Louis lain               l143 herald St.                7. 4          F.
C. L. Penn               Rt. 4#                          r. 7i         F.5926

Morton L. Webber, Jr.    Forest Park                      . 1457-       
Edward Wineke            701 swain St.                   B. 19 
Joe Fruth                72T W. main St.                 G. 3112 
H. L. Jacobson           706 W. lakeside St.             1. 2516 
Russell Oznem            10 Vista Road                   B. 3718 
Bill Stats               2129 Keyes Ave.                 B. 7 
G. H. Pregler            101 Milton Ct.                  B. 5752 
C. B. Browing            91 Dra-e St.          Call St. Mary's Hospital 
lilph 0lmary            501 V. Olin Ave.                G  3205 
Dan O'Connell            1116 Bown Ct.                   Y. 3443