An Atlantic Pipefish Caught in Transit Through the 
Panama Canal by A. M. CHICKERING      .         .     85 
The Specifiic Name of the European Trout Salmo 
Trutta Linnaus by C. L. HUBBS .    .    .   .   .   . 86 
Some Considerations in the Study of the Effects of 
Heat and Light on Fishes by D. R. CRAWFORD      *     89 
Some Embryological Notes of Hynobius Naevius 
by JuNJI OYAMA       .   .   .   .    .   .     .   . 92 
Reptiles and Amphibians from Pawnee County, 
Oklahoma by A. I. ORTENBURGER             .   .   .. 94 
A Note on .lnniella Nigra Fischer 
by M. E. MUSGRAVE    .   .   ......             95 
Bufo Alvarius, a Poisonous Toad 
by M. E. MUSGRAVE and DORIS M. COCHRAN                96 
Amphibians and Reptiles Observed in the Palisades 
Interstate Park, New York and New Jersey, 
by GEORGE. S. MYERS                 *               * 99 
Balancer in Diemictylus Pyrrhogaster and in 
Hynobius Nebulosus by JuNjI OYAMA         .        . o3 
Notes on Amphibia and Lacertilia Collected at 
Weymouth, N. J., by ALEXANDER BARRETr KLOTS .      . 107 
On Some Skinks of the Genus Eumeces from North 
America by ARTHUR LOVERIDGE .      .    .        .  .  .I 
Published Quarterly by the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists
Burton Hall, Northampton. Mass. Entered as second-class matter Feb. 11. 1924,
at the post 
office at Northampton, Mass., under the Act of Aug. 24, 1912. Acceptance
for mailing at 
ipeciai rate of postage provided for in Sec. 1103. Act of Oct. 3. 1917, authorized
Feb. 11, 1924.