June 19, 1936 
heaat Mobiit Stud 
1. Mark as many artificials as possible at certain selected points 
of release. 
2. Advertise muog hunters this fall to report marked birds killed. 
3. Advertise among winter-feeders to report banded birds at stations. 
4. Mark wild-trapped birds before release, to compare movements witt (1).

$yete of Norki 
1. Band all releases which can be cangt at six weeks or over. This will 
a. Shooting preserves using the pen system 
b. Shooting preserves purchasing grown stock for release 
2. Toe-punch all releases under 6 weeks old. Tis will be mainly 
c. Shooting preserves using the non-confinement plan 
d. Farmer eggs using the non-confinement plan (large batches only) 
e-Ic      h Sstm 
Bach locality will punch the left foot for 1936, the right foot for 1937,

both for 193S. The webs punched will be used to differentiate different 
preserves, as follows 
Preserve No. 1 - Punch left web left foot 
Preserve No . 2 - Punch right web left foot 
Preserve Io. 3 - Punch both webs, left foot 
Keep a record for each release of (1) species of pheasant, (2) source 
of eggs (incl. whether hen-raised or Incubator), (3) method of raising 
(Incubator or hen), date and per cent of hatch, (4) date punched, (5) date

Copies to: Oonway 