7une  7, 1959 
Yr. "alter scott 
Conservatioh  epartment 
Vadison, "wisconsin 
T)ear "sater: 
Thank you for your letter of the 24th. ry letter probably 
was'nt as clear as it might have been: here is what T was driving at 
in the matter of serial numbers for state band sizes: 
Tn a letter (April 21, 1939) you gave me the following band 
sizes: bob-white and valley quail #6; Hungrian partridge, 10; 
All grouse and ohukar partridge, $12; pheasant,  31-6; wild 
turkey, 344, 
I am wondering if the first three of these sizes have a 
serial number, such as the 31 in  l4 and the 34 in 3444, Two 
things cause me to wonder: the old pheasant bends were simply 
#8, and I found myself disregarding the 31 in the new size number; 
both  ichigan and tinnesota are using National Band and Tag bands, 
and one calls the pheasant size A6, the other 31-6. 
Tn answer to your question, T did not consider the serial 
numberi 34 and 76 to correspond to years. T have no idea what they 
stand for, unless perhaps to indicate width or weight. "atever 
they mean, I would like to make sure that the band sizes are listed 
correctly in the net progress report of the Take !tatee Trapping 
and Banding Cooperative, 
' incerely yours, 
Fred Hamers trom 
Plainfield, 'iscons in. 
cc: H. P. Fellogg