A Wildlife History of Faville Grove 
- I+ 
Arthur S. HawkinsW 
s of ear             Wisconsin gave little  *a to+ t*ldli 
re"  u    s ef te the iagination. Ooheen outaM    thent~     o~ 
uearliest records, dating back several centuiies, come not from 
Swritings, but from animal remains brought to light by archeological exaa~tion.

.xplor.rs, in their journals, have given us the earliest written infoation

about iwildlife. Muc~h later came the surveyors, some of whom geve ezcellent

I    accounts of the vegetation which they found a century ago. During the
i.ng perid came letters, newspapers, and in a few cases jo~urnals, some of
refer to the fauna or flora. Luckily the early pioneers inlcluded a few out

standing naturalists. Fortunately, to, some of the early settlers wh 
appreciated nature are still alive and can             'they saw to those
will listen. 
The wildlife history of aville Grove     ..begin  with the anial bones taken

from the ruins of ancient Aztalan, oldest known Indian ciization in Wisconuin.

These bones, plus original land survey notes and such notable natural history

publications as those of  lien (1), Hoy (2). Cory (3), a Kin    (4), hve

greatly enriched the background for this paper. 
Sinc 1933 the University of Wisconsin has codce tu dies in wllf 
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