In this s**+Ioa 
UA 8ptmtor "? OeM Qetowl 4      a tebl of six 
s#tins ftu    in Rint   and two in Ou7 towhip wro 
throghy pmo eve    nl a total of 223 awOwr         b 
served. This i* an &Y.&S of 29 per sqar stile, By 
eootin probbl   being    ptiomsX) US we soon in 
five setin* or 22 per sqv      milt or one     for t 
in Wood couty berri and    herris we" kilZ2* 
by the rrot and mld **oo   a" poor due to the 4 
sumo# Mudution of the crps of the bix~a oollseto4 
iudioteto that the oily fbods available this fall aro 
T~u  to the aortopM of foo  the bow*ta        h    tt 
feeding xtallms in Woo    oaty has alrea~ybo h mosl 
oateu* IR WashrRWa? a     a M e outlem where thr  are mor 
*at fields and shoem   *ra  the grouse hay* not yet 
start#4 to feol at the state ftee4i4 staflonsw It Is 
therof ro rethat in smtatis not having extenslye 
tis14b of &at atubtle nl eheekel eoo orguniattns Paig 
to feed phaats shoull sswe, their aon         *   asek  som 
an posile,*