Specimen No. 
STin No. 
Species:         .r     , P. -t 
Sex:        bae                          Age:     You     ' (ir(" of
the ye r) 
Bands, feather-marks, toe-punches: _       _   _    e__.. 
Collected by:                1, i   ake  ll oiseonsi 
name ... address- 
Examined by:      Irven (. -!uss 
Skin .repared by:    Irven O. Buss........... 
a *m.              - -N--.-               .              B-.a 
Date:                      7 m. 8 .  ;mI*    /.      --   m. /'13/i$-BO'p.m.

killed              found            received        examined 
Place collected: Jef frson,     LL    U ills, 1.14  , ..8 -, S. l 
county   .      near'est town       exact location 
Praiie    Y-, e" ,rruu--ir'  ,of'a~~d .o]?Oik"- n, hic kory 
general surrounding habitat 
Prairie   Frass 
specific conditions at- collecti on site 
Specimen: dead '   _ ; alive__    si~k d    1  healthy .  ; entire  x ; partial

fresh       ; decomposed   .   ; captive     ; wild   X 
Cause. of death:. -rol ;Cly Tiewr ino fee, bres:t br i31 20,        rolen,
. oler  . m .  O.    .e s nd. 
If collected, while still. alive, did the specimen exhibit epy. AQticcablo
before collecting?           How? 
Laboratory examination: 
Weight:    [h..7    grans.     Fat           average    - maciated 
How was sex determined?     DL.. CLEo     v in   overts 
How was age determined?         e rvriiry       ted 
plumage or. pelage pha.so-odditios. 
iris     .    bill...         tars-s .         foot_____________ 
Uau.lt: None        ... ! partial .   complct .......... head   nock    
breast   .. ..back         remiges ........covqrts.      retrices. 
Feather wear