needed on how to establish white bireh on areas whieh oould be 
improved by its presence, 
There has been no evidence of widespread disease during 
the past three years, If the cycle follows Its regular eouirse thero 
should be a big drop in numbers within the next three or four years, 
If disease is the oause or one of the causes of the cycle it will 
be possible to detrmine the nature of the disase on an area under 
close observation, It is proposed that sick birds be delivered to 
Dr, R, G. Green at the University of Minesota, provided Dr. Green 
is willing to do this work in addition to the study he ismaking of 
disease in ruffed grouse, It is important that siek birds be delivered 
alive as dead birds are immediately after death invaded by the bacteria 
eausing decomposition and it is generally impossible to isolate the 
bacteria responsible for the death of the bird, 'o control measures 
against disease can be taken until the identity of the disease has been 
It will be important to get inforation on bacterial diseases 
in WNisonsin to ehedk with the findings in 17innesota and the findings 
of the Vew England Ruffed Grouse Investipstions 
The factor which Is probably next in     *tana to disease 
is the sex ratio, It is important to find out whether or not the sex 
ratio *an be regulated,  In the case of the red froue of Scotland the 
exess mles are shot during the winter. It is proposed that excess 
mle   In Wisconsin be trapped and shipped to those counties which are 
not nesting areas. he excess prairie e'Aiken and shar-tailed grouse 
roosters are not detrimental to the raising of the young as the 
roosters do not aeeompany the hens during the nesting period, For the 
sein reason it is probably not necessary to have even as many roosters