Prfessor.                                                         a.2614

I do%*tt~q          ~   ~      tbat I believe you. willbe Interested I* 
the following        eans. In the last wek I      has ba an op1r tunity to
Prairie dm Sac on throee different occasions, I wanted to do this so that
I could got 
a first hand pitoue on the rel&ive densities of red fox, semAk and rabbit

donsities, Albortg Don, and I are agreed that the rabbit and fox poplation
very hig, "ioular3, rabbits. To wm 11 rabbits yesterday in a matter
of throe 
hours without any dliberate attem    to look for the, Rabbit tra k   ae in
beyond evaluation. other then to Just s    they are *h!dant at Prairie t
iso and 
Mazomanii both. This correlates with omk roadside tallies carried on almltsnsly

with qwail bob-whiting counts. 
%a indications ar that the red foz Po      tion asy again ap0poximate It
high volu. * year. Albert(        g     failed to see any great sig of eku
 + to 
yesterday. ft bluffs were cowre4, with skunk tracks in a maner ta     tesebe

that of &he dqfollwinag awam. late Fbru~ary night when the grun was ove.d
with a      mod  rukisnow, (Also the red fox bounty plaims for Oct, and Noy,
a"hge  hn W    eefrthe same period in 19%4.                      Cyril