The workilg plan for an experimental management area should be 
drawn up by technical men, by and with such advice as they might find 
desirable from specialists on soils, drainage, forestry, : mrsh cropping

practices, etc. 
pan power for the execution of the work would not need to be large 
or necessarily paid directly. Franklin Schmidt answers all the require- 
ments for the resident investigator-manager, with the per diem hire of 
necessary labor from local sources. Technical assistance in the 
execution of the work can be obtained free. 
The necessary finances, can, in my opinion, be raised in Wisconsin 
from private sources. Aldo Leopold made preliminary approaches along 
this line a year ago with enough encouragement to warrant further activity.

I would suggest the following concrete steps which might be under- 
taken in pursuing the proposed project. 
(1) Formation of a Committee having an executive head and 
whose membership should include the Investigator, Franklin 
Schmidt; the Superintendent of Game, WilliamF. I ,immer; 
The Game Survey, Aldo Leopold; the du Pont field conserva- 
tion promotion man, John Ball, and the Biological Survey, 
represented by myself. This Committee to determine on 
ways and means and courses of action and to constitute an 
administrative body. 
(2) The Committee to seek the following assurances from 
interested agencies: 
a. Conservation Commission assurance of continued 
assignment of Schmidt to the project. 
b. Biological Survey assurance of advisory services. 
c. State Izaak Walton League   appointment of a 
comittee by the President for the purpose of 
stiimlating interest and raising operating funds 
frmu private sources. 
(3) The Committee then to approach the necessary agencies, 
whether the State Land Ca nission, the various counties, 
private individuals or others, by means determined upon 
by it, in respect to securing the desired land area. 
(4) Preparation of the working plan for the area secured and 
execution of the plan in accordance with finances raised 
by the Izask Walton League Committee. 
The above course of action is suggested tentatively and should be 
I   mended as may be found necessary. I would suggest that a meeting be 
held in !&dison sometime in September, 1931, at which time the whole

matter ight be discussed in detail. I should like to go to L1dison 
for this meeting and to assist in every possible way in getting the 
proposed management project under way. 
Tuly 10, 1931                               Signed: allace B. Grange