we Soils Bailding 
October 16, 1934 
Ur. Wilm    Scmen 
Fish & Gam  Oomisio 
Dos Moines, Iov 
Dear Mr. Sahanke 
I am sending you under separate cover six note- 
books in which are instructions on how to obtain i 
mation on sex rretio in prairie chickens. I shc-ld be 
muh obliged if you wuld distribute these six books to 
six of your conservation wardens  o will be in the best 
prairie chicken hunting regions, 
It would probably be better to separate these 
as much as possible, so as to get information from a 
greater part of the state. I have ut in r    address m 
that they' W be retarned correctly to me. 
Thanking you fbr your oooration, 
Yours sincerely, 
ri   J. W. S  tiadt 